"You guys are silly." She giggled as she jumped on my chest, instantly 'waking me up'.

Sitting up straight, I threw her over my shoulder before standing up. Grabbing Ben's hand, I helped him up too while Elle burst into a fit of giggles. I hadn't realised Ben had left till he came back with atlas who was wide awake and giggling to himself.

"I think a certain little girl needs to be taught a lesson." Ben grinned as she squealed and his her face with her hands.

"Elle isn't home, try again later." She giggled as we both stopped ourselves from bursting into a fit of laughter.

"I guess I'll have to get revenge later." He sighed as I cradled her in my arms to see her still covering her face with her hands. Apparently it makes her invisible. "Are Max and Mia coming?" Ben asked as the four of us made our way out to the car where Emerson was still sleeping.

"No, I'm taking him with me." I said as I moved Elle's car seat to the passenger seat before setting in Atlas'.

Ben buckled him in while I buckled in Elle and she was having the time of her life. It's one of the very few times she's sat in the passenger seat and for some strange reason she loves every moment of it and never fails to rub it in her brothers face.

Once they were buckled in, Ben ran back inside and grabbed their bags before putting them on the floor in the backseat.

"I'll see you guys later." He said as he hugged me before walking around the car and poked his head in the window. "Bye Ellie bear." He grinned as he kissed her hand.

"Bye Papa." She waved as he made his way back inside.

"How was your day, love bug?" I asked as I back out of the driveway and drove down the empty road.

"It was so cool, Papa and Gigi let Atty and I bake a full cake. Can you believe that? Gigi even said it was the bestest cake she's ever had in her entire life and she's like one hundred years old! That's a long time, daddy. She's probrably had like a million cakes and she said mine was the bestest ever!" She said proudly.

"It's probably, my love. And you didn't say any for Emmy and I? I want to see how good it is." I pouted as she giggled and rolled her eyes.

"It's okay, I'll make you ten. Nana and Papa Harv came too and they said they loved my hair." She grinned as she twirled a pink strand of hair on her finger.

Mum and Harvey got married two years ago and I never expected them to be as happy as they are. The first time I met him I knew he wasn't playing around, he's too old for that, but still I had a small part of me that was cautious regardless of how he is. I remember trying to find every possible excuse I could or a single slip up to send him away but not once did he mess up. He treats my mum how she deserves to be treated and that's all I've ever asked.

I remember before he proposed to her two years ago he sat down with Mia and I and spoke to us about it. Despite being twenty three, he spoke to us like we were still children and I genuinely did appreciate it. He asked us for permission to marry her and I knew then and there he wasn't going to mess up and that he was perfect for her.

"Maybe one day you can convince everyone to have pink hair." I snorted as her face lit up. I probably shouldn't have given her that idea but I'm pretty sure she would have come up with it sooner or later.

Parking the car in the parking lot in front of Millie's, I grabbed my phone from the cup holder and tapped on Ricky's contact name.

"Ice cream?!" Elle asked in shock as I winked and waited for him to pick up.

"How can I help kiddo?" Ricky asked the second he picked up.

"Will you be okay to bring us out our usual? I've got three kids with me today." I asked as I heard him speak to someone.

"I'll be right out." He chuckled before hanging up.

Barely seconds went by and Ricky came rushing out and made a beeline to the car. Rolling the window down on Elle's side, he leaned in and kissed the top of her head before slipping her a chocolate bar.

"I've got May getting your things ready so I thought I'd come say hi." He grinned as I leaned over and fist bumped him.

Looking in the back, he bit back a laugh when he spotted a snoring Emerson and a drooling Atlas. He fell deep into conversation with Elle who happily told him every single detail about her day today. From how her beauty and the beast shampoo finished today to how she terrorised her grandfather with a clown mask.

Soon enough, May came walking out with a paper bag in her hand. Skipping around to my side of the car, I handed her fifty dollars and took the bag from her.

"Thanks May." I smiled as she waved me off and peaked into the back.

"Atty's here today?" She gasped as I rolled the window down so she could see him better.

May has been working at Millie's for the last year and a half, she's still in high school but shes probably the most innocent kid I've ever met. She reminds me a lot of Mia in that sense. Every time we come to visit she leaves her customers and sits with us for a good chunk of time catching up with the kids.

"Hey cute boy." She pouted as she reached over and wiped the drool off his face.

"We better going before Emerson wakes up, we'll see you guys soon." I said as she stepped back so I could roll the window up.

Putting her fist out, I fist bumped it before shaking Ricky's hand. Waving goodbye to Elle one last time, they made their way back inside.

The drive home wasn't long, Mason and Mia were already inside by the time we got back and Elle had completely demolished her entire ice cream.

I helped her out of her car seat and let her run inside with the ice creams and cookie doughs before taking out Emerson first and then Atlas. I carried the two sleeping boys inside while Max told Elle all about his game. We all know how she hates everything remotely athletic but it's sweet watching her ask him just so he can talk to her about it.

Laying the two boys on the couch, I draped a blanket over them before walking back over to my car and taking their bags out. Once I had everything, I locked the car behind me and finally sat down. I'm exhausted to say the least.

"I'm sorry, Mase." Mia said as she sat besides me and rest her head on my shoulder.

"I know you mean the best Mia but you need to stop doing that." I sighed.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I just worry about you guys. It's not fair on the kids, you know?" She said softly as I turned to face her properly.

I know she means well and I also know how hard it is for her to confront me about the things she has on her mind. That doesn't mean I have to like it though.

"My kids are just fine with me and their family with them. They don't need anyone to come and complicate things. If anything they'll get attached and if things don't work out then that's even worse for them. Besides, I'd never be able to do it." I said as she sighed but nodded anyway.

"They need a mum, Mason." She said after a couple moments of silence.

"We didn't have a dad or any other family other than Nana and Pops, we turned out just fine. They have so many aunts and uncles and four grandparents behind them." I said before getting up and making my way into the kitchen before I make myself any more angry than I already am.

Even if it wanted to move on, I couldn't take the first step without feeling as though there's a mountain on my chest. The guilt would consume me and I'm okay with not going through that. In that very last letter she wrote she said it was okay to move on and she wouldn't blame me for it. What if it just doesn't feel right to begin with? Is it so hard to believe that I simply don't want to move on?

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