Chapter 3

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The three bursted inside with Sonny yelling, "Mom!" And Sam yelling, "Ms. Quinn!" They heard her laugh and looked over to the couch and widened their eyes in horror. They saw Daddy on Ms. Quinn's lap and Papa and me next to her.

"Hey, you didn't tell me you got a ventriloquist dummy and two dolls," she said. "How fun! They were all sitting at the table like a little family. Hi, kids, my name is BowBow and I like listening to mom."

"Mom, his name is Slappy," Sonny corrected. "And I would not be doing that if I were y-"
"Oh, Slappy, that's a ridiculous name. No, his name is BowBow." "Mom, you don't understand," Sarah said. "Ms. Quinn, those three are alive," Sam said.

"I think these guys are playing some sort of Halloween prank on us, but I'm not buying it. Are you? No." The phone then rang, grabbing Ms. Quinn's attention. "Oh, I'm gonna get that," she said, getting up. "But nice try. Very creative. Stay right there, don't go anywhere."

She then left to take the phone. After she was gone, the kids waited patiently for us to start moving again. Which we did. Daddy picked himself up and said, "Hi, kids. Good day at school?"

"Oh my God, he sounds even creepier than he looks," Sarah said. Papa glared at her before smiling and saying, "Oh, we're going to be such a happy family!" "You're not our family. Do it, Sonny. Turn them off."

"Aww, that really hurts my feelings," I said with a sad pout. "Hearing you say that... makes me mad," Daddy said. Sonny then took out the piece of papa that had the words on it and read them out loud. "Karru Marri Odonna Loma Molonu Karrano."

"Don't do that..." "Do it again." "Karru Marri Odonna Loma Molonu Karrano." We then started to fake couch, pretending like the words were working, before falling back onto the couch.

The kids smiled in victory before getting closer to us. Sonny then poked Daddy on the chest. They stepped back before we opened our eyes again. They gasped as Daddy said, "And trust me, you don't what to find out what happens when I get mad..."

"Haha! We got you!" I cheered excitedly. "You really though that would work?!"  Papa asked in amusement. Papa and I continued to laugh at them before we heard Ms. Quinn say, "Okay." We then fell "lifeless" onto the couch.

"Well, that was an interesting phone call," Ms. Quinn as she came back into the living room. "Anything you want to tell me?" "Yes, we've been trying to," Sonny said. "That dummy and dolls are evil!"

"You blew up the science lab?!" "Yeah, there was that too..." "Do you know how much damage you've caused?" Ms. Quinn asked. "Mom, it wasn't Sonny's fault!" Sarah chimed in. "Yeah, I'm sure it was an accident."

"It wasn't an accident. The dummy and boy doll did it," Sonny said, pointing to Papa and Daddy. "Yeah." "Do I look like a dummy to you?" Ms. Quinn asked. "We're telling the truth!" Sarah said. "Well, here's some truth for you, Halloween is canceled for the three of you tonight."

"What?!" "Canceled," Ms. Quinn repeated as she walked towards the door. "Y'know, I expect this kind of craziness from the boys, but I really felt like you were going to help me keep things under control, Sarah." "Mom..."

"I'm disappointed." And with that, Ms. Quinn left the house for work. "Not as disappointed as Grayson and I are," Daddy said, making the teens turn to us again. "My room... Now..." Sarah ordered. They then left upstairs.

"Pumpkin, why don't you go help yourself to anything in the fridge?" Daddy offered, turning to me. "I'm sure Grandma wouldn't mind." "Otay!" I then rushed over to the kitchen to grab some ice cream or something.

*Grayson's POV*
"Don't want her seeing how much of a monster you can be?" I asked in amusement. Slappy rolled his eyes and smirked. "Watch it, Gray. I wouldn't want to punish you where Roxy could hear us~"

Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz