Chapter 2

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"Holy moly, you're terrible at this," I said as I played against Sam. "I'm literally crushing you right now!" We were all downstairs with Sam and I playing Rocket League, Daddy and Papa watching the match, and Sonny fixing his project.

"Can't believe you're losing to a little doll right now," Sonny said in amusement. "Right," Papa agreed. "She's not even using her magical powers." I giggled in delight. We then heard the front door slam shut.

Daddy, Papa, and I then fell on our backs as we pretended to be lifeless. "B-back so soon?" Sam asked. "Don't ask," Sarah replied quietly. "Are you okay?" Sonny asked. "What happened?"

"What happened? Well, turns out the guy I liked is a total scumbag. Mom expects me to run this entire house by myself and if I don't figure out this essay by Friday, I'm never getting out of this town. So, no, I'm not okay."

Dang, that's a lot of bad things. I kinda feel bad for her. Sam and Sonny just stayed silent. "Why are you guys acting so weird?" "Us? Oh, nothing." "I'm just working on my science project." "Just playing video games." "Just us two, nobody else."

"I'm going to bed," Sarah said as she started to leave. Daddy then picked up his head and said, "Goodnight..." We all looked at him as Sarah slowly turned around and asked, "Who just said that?"

"Me!" Sam quickly said. "Sam," Sonny said. "Goodnight." "Yeah, it's a new thing we're doing." They continued to ramble before Sarah finally left. Sonny and Sam sighed in relief before looking down at us.

"That is not cool, Slappy," Sam said. Daddy just giggled in response. It was now bedtime for all of us. I snuggled into my Papa's chest as he cradled me in his arms.

Author's POV
The kids and small family were all fast asleep. Slappy, Grayson, and Roxanne were asleep on a bean bag next to Sam. Suddenly, Slappy and Grayson woke up. They slowly started to get up, but Grayson's movements were causing Roxanne to cling to his dress.

They look down at her with soft smiles before Grayson gently picked her up and cradled her in his arms. Roxanne grabbed her papa's amulet as she started to mumble in her sleep.

"She's adorable, isn't she?" Grayson whispered. "Yes, she is," Slappy whispered back. "Now, come on." The two walked downstairs to the kitchen over to Sonny's project. Slappy grabbed a screwdriver as Grayson popped open the switch.

Slappy then started to poke the sliver tool around the switch, causing bits of electricity to sound. After they were finished, they walked quietly walked over to Sarah's room.

Grayson opened the door with his powers and walked inside alongside Slappy. They made it over to the side of the bed as they looked at each other and smiled.

The next day/Roxanne's POV
"I feel very squished in here..." I mumble quietly, so Sarah didn't hear us. Daddy and Papa wanted to make this Tyler guy that hurt Sarah's feeling pay, so we snuck into her backpack.

Although, it didn't seem like a very smart idea since we were all squished together. "She's gonna take us out in a minute," Papa whispered. And she did, thankfully. She pulled us out and asked herself, "What the hell?"

Sarah sighed as she said, "God, they're such trolls." She then put us inside her locker. "Boo," Tyler said, making Sarah gasp. She put on a fake smile and laugh as Tyler said, "Missed you at the show last night."

"Bet you did," Sarah replied as she grabbed some books to put inside her backpack. "You have fun?" "It was okay. A bunch of us hanging out. Totally causal." Such a liar... This must be the Tyler guy Sarah was talking about last night.

"Right..." Tyler then looked inside the locker and saw us. "What's with the dummy and dolls?" He asked in amusement. "Oh, those three? We're just hanging out. Totally causal..." Sarah then slammed her locker shut and walked away.

Tyler looked at her confused before walking away. "That must be him," Papa said. "Let's get out of here then," Daddy replied. He then used his powers to work the combination lock and opened the locker.

We followed Tyler all the way to the auditorium, where he was hanging up some ghost decorations. The doors closed behind us with a loud bang. "Hey, whoever that is, can you toss me up some more string?" Tyler asked.

"Sure," I replied. He looked to the doors to see us standing there. He chuckled a bit before saying, "Okay, that's hilarious. Sarah?" "Ahem," Papa couched, making Tyler look down and jump.

We were standing right under him and his jump made the latter shake a bit. "Hey, not funny, not funny!" Tyler shouted. "Sarah, stop fooling around!" "I'd say you're the one fooling around," I said, pointing up at him.

"How are you talking?" "I love the theater," Daddy said, ignoring his question. "I always bring down the house." We laughed at his little joke. Daddy then used his powers to unscrew the latter. "Wait, no! What are you doing?!" Tyler asked in fright.

"Tell us, Tyler. What does it say on that top step?" Papa asked. Tyler looked down then back up and said, "Uh... It's not a step..." "Maybe you'll remember that the next time you step out of line with my sister..." Daddy said before sliding his finger in a line, causing the screw to fly away.

With the screw gone, the latter split into two, making Tyler fall. When he looked back up, we were already gone. We were outside, where Papa and Daddy were laughing. "Oh, Chéri, as always you really showed him!" Papa said.

"I am the best at what I do," Daddy boasted with a smirk. "That is true. I know that firsthand~" They continued to laugh, but I wasn't laughing with them. I was thinking about what we did to Tyler. I know he was a jerk to Sarah, but I didn't think we would actually hurt him.

"Why aren't you laughing, Pumpkin?" I looked up to see Daddy and Papa looking at me with raised eyebrows. "Oh, it's just... I think maybe we were a bit too harsh on Tyler..." I replied quietly. They looked at each other before Papa sighed and walked up to me.

He kneeled down and said, "Listen, Butterfly, what we did may have seemed cruel or harsh as you put it, but it was the best thing to do. Sometimes words aren't enough to get a person to stop what they're doing. Sometimes actions or violence is needed to teach them a lesson..."

"Really?" I asked. "So, what we did wasn't bad?" "Of course not, Pumpkin," Daddy replied, kneeling down too. "We used violence in a responsible way." "Oh, otay!" Daddy then got up and said, "Let's get back to the house, shall we?"

"We shall," Papa replied as he took Daddy's arm. He then took my hand into his and teleported us back to the house.

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