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Chapter seventeen
"The big fight."

Like always during her free time from the dance classes Tory hung out with Chad and the guys in the kitchen as Troy surprisingly walked into the kitchen "hey, Labron, how'd it go with the Redhawks?" Zeke asked him as Chad and Tory didn't even look at him "you know, they're very tall." Troy told him as he got his food "we got your sister to play, so it worked out. In case you were wondering." Zeke informed him as Troy walked away from him "maybe we Coldplay later today." he told them as he put his plate down where Chad and Tory were "I don't know. Check with your sister." Chad told him.

"Well, Mr Evans set up the workout, not me." Troy shared "did you even ask them to include us, captain?" Chad asked him as Tory put her hand on his arm not wanting him to do something he'd regret because her brother was so not himself anymore "I didn't go looking for the Redhawks, the Redhawks came to me, okay? I didn't sign up for this golf job, Fulton offered it. I said yes. My decision. But I show up to work same as you, so chill, man." Troy told him as he looked to Tory "and Tory why are you standing so close to him!" he yelled at her as Tory glared at him "because he's my boyfriend and he's been a whole lot nicer than you!" she yelled at him.

As everyone in the kitchen looked towards them knowing she just fully went out and said it with no hesitation "and you get a speck of dirt on your pants and someone dry cleans it for you." Chad told him as well in which Troy looked at them in shock because Chad didn't deny what she said either of the two things "are you joking right now?" Troy asked "no, Im not! Not about the person you've become and especially not about me dating him because newsflash we've been going out since the championship game last year. And everyone else in here knew besides you including mom and dad! And nothing you can say or do can change my mind." Tory told him.

And when Troy lunged for Chad Tory screamed "you're dating my sister and you're mad at me? When you would've done the same thing.." Troy was sharing as Chad interrupted him "if I was as good as you?" Chad asked him "I didn't say that." Troy told him "you didn't have to. And you know for a fact that I've always liked your sister." Chad told him as the two walked around the cart that stood between them "and neither did you. I knew you liked her and that's why I told you to stay away from her." Troy told him "you know what? We didn't vote you captain because of your jump shots. Okay, we did it because you're the gin who usually knows what's up. But I guess things change. Since I chose to no longer listen to you especially from all those times you told me she wouldn't feel the same way cause she does!" Chad told him.

As Tory furrowed her brows "you told him that? Why would you do that!" she yelled at him "because were supposed to be friends and you two dating each other would ruin it all. Plus I didn't think he was the guy for you." Troy told her as Tory scoffed "like you would know that!" she yelled at him "you think you two got me all figured out? Well I don't think so. And I don't answer to either of you." Troy shared "then maybe you should start answering to yourself! Look, we have been like brothers since pre school. If I don't know who you are these days and your sister doesn't then who do you think does?" Chad asked him "excuse me. You're all being paid to work, not play Dr Phil. Chop chop." Mr Fulton told them as Tory huffed "I'll see you later." she told Chad as she shoved past her brother and walked out.

Later on, Tory was walking with Kelsi, Martha and Taylor "I still can't believe you told him." Taylor shared as Tory sighed "it wasn't supposed to happen that way. Them fighting after the fact yes but all of us fighting for me to even tell him about it was not how I saw it going." she shared as Martha threw her arm around her "well, at least it's out now. You guys don't have to hide anymore." she pointed out as Tory nodded.

Best friends sister, Chad DanfourthWhere stories live. Discover now