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Chapter six
"Practice makes perfect."

So, things from there only seemed to get worse as the championship game was on it's way here although it seemed not everyone's head was in the game and by everyone Tory specifically meant her brother Troy who seems to have been acting strange ever since that day in the cafeteria where everyone seemed to have lost it since at school whenever there's free time instead of hanging out with the team or joining them for practice sessions he seemed to be somewhere else yet she chose to perceiver and not think anything of it and focus on her team.

Which was why today after school Tory blew the whistle "ready, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!" she yelled as the girls began dancing Tory watched them all and noticed some of them getting sloppy "no, no, no. Guys, it's feet together, apart than clap." she informed them "okay, Tory what is wrong with you?" one of the girls asked as they all looked to each other "yeah, we're really trying." another shared as Tory then took a deep breath "well, then. Try harder because this isn't amateur hour!" she yelled at them and blew her whistle again.

"Tory! Have you seen your brother?" her father called to her as Tory huffed turning towards him as her hair flipped behind her "no, dad! Im not exactly his keeper! Besides he's been dodging me  for days!" she yelled to him as she heard some girls whine and fall over, she quickly turned to them and blew her whistle "what did I say? Now you're falling over? We are competition winning champions who will not show off to those West high Knights that we only come to play when it's a competition cause that shows them that we only pull ourselves together when we feel threatened but the thing is we are never threatened so get up!" she yelled at all of them as they did so.

And soon practice was over as Tory and her dad blew there whistles at the same time "good job, guys! I know we had a tough start but that was a great finish! So hit the showers and head home, alright?" she asked them all as the girls all cheered picking up their pom poms and walking off to the locker room in which when Tory went to grab hers off the ground. Chad ran up behind her and picked her up off the floor making her squeal "what are you doing?" she asked him as Chad laughed "seeing how you're doing?" he asked as Tory rolled her eyes pushing him off her "Im fine. The team got better later on." she shared, picking up her pom poms and walking towards the locker rooms with Chad.

In which Chad furrowed his brows "you mean after you yelled at them?" He asked as Tory gasped hitting him with her pom poms "don't be rude! There my team!" She yelled at him and as the two got closer to the door they noticed that Troy finally arrived in which Tory hummed "nice of you to finally join everyone. Team captain." she reminded him shoving her pom poms into his chest as Chad then handed him a basketball.

Walking out into the hallway the two went to part ways as Chad stopped "so dinner with some of the guys at Rose's pizza place?" he asked as Tory furrowed her brows "I think I could manage that. The girls went through a lot today.." she was sharing as Chad nodded "and so did you. So..Im not taking no for an answer you, the girls, me and the guys. Pizza." he told her as Tory nodded laughing "okay. Deal." she shared turning on her heel and walking towards the locker room still feeling Chad's eyes on her.

"I know you're staring at me!" She yelled to him as Chad rolled his eyes "yeah, because your ponytails lop sided." he informed her turning around as well as Tory smirked "no, it's not!" she yelled to him as she opened the door to the girls locker room and walked in as Chad headed into the guys.

Later on, all the cheerleaders and the basketball guys were laughing in the middle of the pizzeria  as they had three pies one almost half eaten, along with two pitchers of coke a cola along with garlic knots and surprisingly, Troy had managed to show up to hang out with them which was a huge surprise to them all since he barely even hung out with them anymore "you know what I could totally make this pizza myself! Along with some nice garlic knots." Zeke was sharing as Tory started laughing "Zeke, I love you but stop, please." she told him as she ate her pizza in which Chad joined her "seriously, dude. Enough with the baking." he shared.

As Zeke scoffed putting his arms around them and pulling them towards him in which Chad and Tory's faces were really close together "you two are just jealous that I and Troy can speak our truth." he shared as Tory furrowed her brows not realizing what he was talking about as Chad's eyes went wide "what?" Troy asked as he started laughing in which Chad cleared his throat "I..I don't know what he's talking about man. Tory?" he asked as Tory realized what was going on she elbowed Zeke in the chest as he let her go "nope. Don't know what he's talking about either um..I have to go to the restroom, excuse me." she told them all getting up and grabbing her phone on the way.

In which when she left Troy chuckled "okay, uh..I don't even want to know what that was about." he shared grabbing one of the cheese fries from his plate as he missed the looks from the cheerleaders and the basketball guys all looking to Zeke knowing that wasn't the way it was supposed to go in which Zeke chuckled "what?" he asked them all as Chad lifted his hand up and shoved Zeke's slice of pizza in his mouth "just stop talking." he told him as he leaned back in his chair he saw Tory coming out of the girls bathroom and laughing with one of her cheerleading friends which made him smile.

Best friends sister, Chad DanfourthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant