chapter 22- Chloe

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Damon stuffed the blood down my throat, I felt veins on my eyes. It was like I was alive a bit more. It was hard to explain it but you understand me right?

"HOW COULD YOU" i screamed at him "wow you sound just like Elena" he tried to joke but i just rolled my eyes 

And that's where it hit me a bright gold light came at me which made me fall and faint


I open my eyes and see that i'm in a dark forest similar to the dark forest at hogwarts but different this one had fairies flying around, i started to walk to see why i'm here 

"ALISON" i hear someone call my name, i turn around and see Jeremy running up to me he wrapped his arms around me while i left mine by my side, i was so confused on what's going on

"Did you see him too?" he asked. I looked at him confused, "see who?" "Merlin of course wait did you not see him when you fainted at our battle" i shook my head "i saw Ethan then i saw Fred"

He looked at me confused the i spoke again "but when you threw that spell at me i did see Chloe she had to warn me about what you was about to do" as soon as i said that you could see the guilt on his face 

"Yeah i'm sorry about that i don't know what happened to me i don't understand why i was like that" he said and all i was thinking was two apologies what is this the end of the world 

"It's not the end of the world but yours is about to begin" we whipped our heads around saw Chloe she was beautiful she had long blonde hair light blue eyes and a beauty spot under her left eye

"Hello Jeremy im Chloe i'm the woman that helped Merlin be able to have kids we need to talk all three of us" she led us to somewhere we could sit and talk 

"Ok now that the battle of the Merlin twins are over we need to discuss what's about to happen next" Jeremy and i looked each other confused then she spoke again

"The original plan was for only one of you to survive while the other goes into the one that survives you would still be able to communicate with each other but basically the other one would be dead" "what do you mean the original plan?" Jeremy asked and i had a feeling i knew what she was about to say 

"Well before the main battle Ron gave all the weasleys his vampire blood and also Alison without her knowing and when you both collapse on the floor she died with it in her system" "and she turned into a vampire" Jeremy confused and i quickly spoke "but i wasn't planning on completing the transition but Damon made me he put human blood down my throat and before i could kill him i was brought here" 

Chloe started to laugh then she spoke "as i was saying due to that Merlin and i spoke were putting you Jeremy in Alison and you two can live forever is that ok" i nodded and Jeremy spoke "but i was about take Hermione on a date" he said sadly 

I felt bad for him and i could tell so did Chloe "how about this for now we put you in Alison and Merlin and i will talk about it more" he nodded and i went back to our reality

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