chapter 17- were going on a trip

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"WHAT THE FUCK ALISON" Ron and I turned around to see an angry Harry and Hermione while Jeremy and Katherine had an annoyed look on their face

"We need to go now" Katherine said "for once I agree with the devil" Jeremy said Kat turned around to Jeremy smiling "aww you think I'm the devil that's so sweet" Jeremy and Katherine argued they wouldn't stop so Ron whistled and it stopped them 

It was now Hermione turn to talk "look Katherine and Alison you need to leave the Malfoy's are going to come after you when they find out what you did" she took a deep breath and spoke again "you and Kat can go me, Ron, Harry and Jeremy can stay" 

I looked at her confused "why do you get 3 guys and I get none" "yeah I'm going with Ali" Ron said as he put his arm around you 

Hermione rolled her eyes and just let it happen 

Ron told Kat to take them to his house quickly, once they arrived he knocked on the door and his mother looked at them confused 

Ron told his mother everything that has happened she nodded and went to the living room we looked at teacher confused "i had a feeling Alison had a secret so the day she left i started to make her this 

Ron told his mother everything that has happened she nodded and went to the living room we looked at teacher confused "i had a feeling Alison had a secret so the day she left i started to make her this 

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Ron looked shocked while Katherine and and i looked impressed "this looks amazing Mrs Weasley" Kat said "yeah now all i need is a super hero name" i joked with Kat 

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Ron looked shocked while Katherine and and i looked impressed "this looks amazing Mrs Weasley" Kat said "yeah now all i need is a super hero name" i joked with Kat 

"Since when could you do this i thought you could only nit "Ron said still in shock "every Weasley girl born or married into has to learn the art of making clothing and shoes" 

I had the biggest grin on my face cause i was impressed with this family 

"So Ginny knows how to make all of this" he asked and Mrs Weasley nodded then said "don't worry Alison when you marry Ron i will teach you all of this as well so you can teach your kids"

Me and Ron where blushing so hard that i matched Ron's hair and so did he

"Thank you for the outfit Mrs Weasley but i think its time for us to go" i told her and with that's we left

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