Yuna X Lia ✧ Clumsy

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Ship: Yuna X Lia / YuLia
Summary: Yuna is acting more clumsy than usual and Lia wants to find out why.
Requested by: CookieBookie125

Lia woke up to hear the sound of glass shattering, making her freak out. She immediately hopped out of bed, put some slippers on and ran downstairs to see what happened. There was glass from a plate shattered on the floor next to the dining room table, and Yuna right in front of it.

"Yuna, are you okay!?" Lia said, full of concern and worry from the other side of the table. "Yeah, I'm fine! Don't walk over here, you'll get glass in your slippers. Just.. Get me the broom." Yuna said, Lia nodding snd running off to find the broom and dustpan.

Lia walked back to the kitchen and passed Yuna the broom and dustpan from the other side of the table and watched her sweep it up. "That's the 3rd time this week. I think we need to buy another dining set." Lia joked. Yuna just sighed. "Yeah, probably."

The room filled with silence when Lia left, and there was just Yuna sweeping glass into a dustpan.

Knock knock

"What's up?" Ryujin asked. "Can I come in?" Lia responded. Ryujin nodded and opened the door some more, letting Lia in. "So what's up? Did something happen?" Ryujin asked, taking a seat on her bed while Lia stood in the middle of the room.

"Yuna broke another plate." Lia said. "Again!? That's the 3rd time this week, she'd better be the one buying new ones." Ryujin said, upset. "Do you think somethings wrong with her? She's been acting very... Irresponsible, lately." Lia said.

"She's always been irresponsible, she's a kid." Ryujin said. "Ugh, you don't get it! You don't think maybe there's something going on with her? Like, mentally?" Lia asked. Ryujin shook her head no. "Lia, don't stress it. She's always been irresponsible and clumsy, that's just how she is." Ryujin shrugged. "Maybe you're just an overthinking girlfriend." Ryujin suggested. Lia rolled her eyes and left the room.

All of the 5 girls lived in a house together, so next was Chaeryeong. Her and Yuna were very close, so she had to know why Yuna was acting like this. Chaeryeong's door was wide open and you could see her reading a book with her headphones on.

Lia walked in and tapped Chaeryeong's shoulder, scaring her. "Ah! Don't just walk up on me like that!" Chaeryeong yelled. "Sorry, sorry, but I need help!" Lia responded. Chaeryeong sat up. "With?" "Yuna. She's been acting very irresponsible lately. I told Ryujin, and she said that Yuna has always been like this, but she never broke plates daily or dropped food everytime she ate." Lia said. You could tell she was concerned, it was written all over her face.

"Maybe she has a brain injury." Chaeryeong laughed, Lia hitting her arm. "It's not funny! Seriously, do you know why Yuna has been like this lately?" Lia asked again. "Honestly, she talked to me about it last night. She said she misses you, so maybe she's doing all of this to grab your attention?" Chaeryeong said.

"What? How can she miss me, we see each other almost everyday!" Lia responded. Truth was, they didn't. Lia worked until 12 AM, when everyone was asleep. Including Yuna. Yuna only got to see her on the weekends, and even then she couldn't see her much. Lia was always out for work, shopping, or with friends. She hadn't spent time with Yuna in a long time.

"Well, you should talk to her about that. I'm just going by what she told me." Chaeryeong shrugged. "I'll talk to her about it right now, thanks Ryeong!" Lia waved goodbye as she left the room to find Yuna.

She walked back downstairs and didn't see Yuna in the kitchen like she was earlier. Instead, Yuna was watching TV in the living room. Lia walked into the living room so see Yuna staring at the TV, looking almost emotionless. It just looked sad.

"Yuna baby, are you okay?" Lia asked, sitting next to Yuna on the couch. "I've noticed, and I wanna know what's wrong." Lia continued. She stared at Yuna until Yuna looked back at her with a single teardrop falling down her face. "Yuna!" Lia wiped her girlfriend's tear.

"I just feel like you don't like me anymore.. Like you don't have time for me and you don't want to make time for me." Yuna confessed. "I was acting clumsy because I thought that was the only way you'd pay attention to me... Lately you just pay so much attention to your job. I feel alone." Yuna continued.

Lia hugged her, Yuna immediately started crying in her arms. "I'm so sorry, Yuna." Lia apologized. She comforted her girlfriend, stroking her head and kissing her cheek. "I'm sorry that I haven't been making time for you, that's my fault. But, why didn't you tell me sooner?" Lia asked.

"I felt like it would bother you." Yuna cried. Lia felt horrible. "Yuna, look at me." Lia said. She grabbed the sides of Yuna's face so her eyes would redirect from her twiddling thumbs to her girlfriend's eyes.

"I never feel bothered by you. Whenever you talk to me, I always feel better and like I have nothing to worry about, and my day always gets better when I see you." Lia confessed. The couple hugged once again, Yuna continuing to cry into Lia's arms. Lia patted Yuna's back before letting go of the hug.

"Do you feel better now?" Lia asked. "A little.. I really needed that reassurance." Yuna smiled. "Just tell me when you need me." Lia pecked Yuna on the lips. "Now let's go buy some more dishes before the others get mad." Lia said, giggling.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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