"Who's that?" I asked.

"The committee member of the winter fest, she wants to watch our play before we perform it on the fest" He replied hesitantly.

"Why on earth does she wanna do that?" I asked.

"Yeah this is the first time I'm hearing about it too...that someone wants to review a highschool musical" Bethany said frowning before chuckling.

"Yeah it's like she's got nothing better to do" Madison said chuckling as well.

"Oh hey...Beth...I-I mean Bethany. I'm sorry I didn't notice you" Steve said while shyly scratching the back of his head.

Well...what exactly is going on here?

"And our senior, Steve Rodriguez stutters, that's a first too" I said shaking my head while watching the interaction between the two.

"Oh hello and it's fine really" Bethany replied failing to hide her smile.

But wait, was she even trying? Well...only she knows that.

"I have been wanting to ask this from quite a while now..." Steve paused.

"What?" Bethany asked.

"If you are free today then probably we should go out for a coffee or tea...I mean whatever it is you like having" He replied nervously.

Nervous? Really?

It's so rare seeing Steve going all nervous.

"Yeah sure I'm totally free today" Bethany said nodding her head slightly.

Really?! What is actually going on here? Few seconds ago this guy was in such a haste and now he has all the time in the world.

"So you two wanna go on a coffee date...like right now" I asked sarcastically.

"Yeah" They both replied at the same time.

"And what about Carina? Shall I send her to the cafe directly?" I added with a fake smile as Bethany cleared her throat, looking elsewhere.

"Oh shoot! Carina! Yeah..." Steve trailed off realising that his schedule was packed today.

"Anyways, so I was saying that Carina wants to review our play" He added snapping out of his 'Bethany trance'.

"Yeah. I got that much. But why?" I asked.

"She thinks that students these days are becoming a little...vulgar..." He replied as I interrupted him.

"Vulgar?! Really?" I mumbled in disbelief.

"Yeah. Something like that. So she wants to make sure that there's nothing inappropriate in the play" He added with a sigh.

"Strange" I mumbled shaking my head.

"And she's here already so we need to leave...like now" Steve said snapping his fingers at my face.

"Alright..." I paused looking at Bethany and Madison.

"Beth, Madi, you guys carry on. I guess I'll join you guys tomorrow so we can study" I continued before walking away with Steve.

"And Steve, why am I learning about this just now" I said.

"Because I forgot to inform you" He simply replied.

"I'll catch you later, Bethany" He yelled glancing behind as I just shook my head.

"That was pretty good...but it would have been much better if you all were in your costumes" Miss Carina said while sitting in the first row of the seats as we finished performing the play.

Something About Himजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें