Chapter 7: Writing and Cutting Changes

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Hyoudou Residence
3rd Person POV
Kazuko sat on the couch while Grayfia did some cleaning. He looked around the living room to see nothing special going on. He soon sighed.

Kazuko's Mind: (Man...when's that little bastard gonna be ready? I'm waiting all day for that turd to let me trim that hair of his.)

Kazuko soon looked to see Grayfia near the couch he was sitting on.

Kazuko: Hey Grayfia.

Grayfia: Hm?

Grayfia: About last night...we're not unpacking that. Aren't we?

Grayfia: It's best for me to not talk about this while I am at work.

Kazuko: Understood.

Grayfia soon went back to work. Meanwhile Kazuko remained relaxed on the couch. Grayfia soon left the room for some time.

Kazuko soon began to lean back and was about to start resting his eyes.

Kazuko: Fuck. This is so boring I'm gonna fall asleep.

???: Hey Mr. Kazuko!

Kazuko: Hm?

Kazuko looked to his left to see Millicas looking at him with a hint of excitement.

Kazuko: What's up little man?

Millicas: Can you tell me how that tattoo on your arm was like?

Kazuko: Yeah sure kid.

Kazuko soon began to sit up, showing off his ink to Millicas, who looked extremely interested.

Kazuko: I'm sitting on a chair, and I have this guy just injecting the ink inside my body with a needle gun. Right?

Millicas nodded.

Kazuko: Luckily for me, the forearm is actually probably one of the more better places to get your arm tattooed, but the veins could hurt a bit. At least it hurt for me a bit.

Millicas said nothing fight continued to listen.

Kazuko: But I'd say where it was most painful was around the elbow, but it depends if it hits a certain joint. That's were it'll hurt the most. Not to mention, getting color in is a stinger.

Millicas: Woah! Really!

Kazuko nodded.

Kazuko: It was a long process. Took maybe 2-3 days to actually finish it for good. But it was worth the process.

Millicas: Wow! Do you think I can get a tattoo?!

Kazuko gave out a chuckle. He then began to ruffle with Millicas's crimson red hair.

Kazuko: Maybe when you're older little man. Maybe when you're older.

Millicas: Are there spots where tattoos can hurt more?

Kazuko: I'm sure there are, kid.

Millicas began to point at Kazuko, which began to confuse the young man.

Millicas: That spot on your neck looks like it must've hurt. It looks like you got bit by something.

Kazuko's eyes immediately widened as he soon quickly covered his neck with his hand.

Kazuko: Bite? What bite? Don't know what you're talking about.

Millicas: That mark on your neck that you just covered!

Kazuko: Umm...Millicas man...Do you want to talk about something else?

Millicas: But that thing in your neck! It looks bruised! We should get you check in case there's any traces on venom seeping from the inside of your-

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