Comic Con Pt 3 - Jeremy Renner

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You hear a chime coming from your purse and you reach for your phone. The elevator doors open and you walk down the hall to the room. Looking down at your phone you could see there was a message from the number you just texted. Trying to compose yourself you open the room door and close it behind you before opening the message.

Hey! I'm glad you think so

Your breathing is cut short as your mind starts to wander at all the little things you have dreamed about in the past. Things that would make the most normal person blush. You walk over to the two queen beds where your friend had clothes sprawled out all over hers.

"How much did you pack? We are only here for one night." You look over at your friend as she is trying to decide what to put on.

"Hey, I packed for every occasion. Did you text him? What did he say back?" She rushes over to you trying to look over your shoulder at your phone.

"Yes and none of your business." You turn to your bed and sit on the edge staring at the text trying to figure out what to say back. While you were lost in thoughts your phone chimes again. You look down and there is another text from that same number.

I know this is unconventional, but I was wondering if you would be up for dinner tonight?

Your jaw drops as you read that. First of all you didn't pack anything for a 'dinner', especially for a fancy dinner with a famous person. Your friend sits down next to you reading the texts and that little squeal of hers flies out of her mouth again.

"Oh shut up!" You elbow her in the side. "I don't even know if it is him or not."

As you sit there staring at your friend your phone starts to ring. That same number is flashing on the screen.

"Well now is the time to find out." She reaches over and grabs your phone and presses the answer button. "Y/N's phone." She holds her arm out keeping you at a distance as he eyes light up and her mouth drops. "Yes, she's right here. Hold on."

She drops the phone from her ear and mouths 'OMG IT'S HIM!'

You grab the phone from her and put it up to your ear. "Hello?"

"Hey there." You could hear the smile through the phone. There was a bunch of noise in the background so you figured he was still at the convention center. "So I know this seems a little forward, but I believe you miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

You think to yourself 'But you never miss'. As you giggle there is a pause on the line. "I didn't really plan for a fancy dinner invite. I didn't pack anything for that. It was just my friend and me here for the night."

"That is totally fine. I wasn't expecting a five star restaurant. I just want to see you again and talk. If that would be ok?" You hear him talking to someone on the other end of the line and then the phone goes quiet.

You pull the phone away from your ear and place it on speaker. "I think he has it muted. He was talking to someone." You place the phone in your lap and look over at your friend.

"So? What are you going to do?" She sits down next to you on the bed.

"I don't want to ditch you our only night in town." You look at her with sadness in your eyes.

"Girl, if you don't take this once in a lifetime opportunity I'll kick your ass!"

"Hey now, no kicking anyone's ass. If this is an issue I completely understand." His voice chimes in from the speaker of the phone once again.

"NO, its no problem, She would love to meet you." Your friend says down to your phone. You shoot her daggers in your eyes.

"I appreciate the peanut gallery, but I would like to hear it from her." You could hear the laugh through the phone making your heartbeat against your chest.

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