Comic Con Pt 1 - Jeremy Renner

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"Y/N?" Whispered the voice of your best friend. "Y/N, wake up! Today's the day!" She was bouncing on the bed next to you.

"Five more minutes." You grumble back at her.

"NO!" She yells at you as you feel a pillow hit your face.

Your eyes pop open about to jump out of the bed to chase after her and your eyes focus to see the hotel room around you. You remembered where you were. Last night you and your best friend drove to San Diego for the annual Comic Con. You both had been waiting months for this. All the vendors and the cosplayers, but most importantly the meet and greet that almost broke the bank for you to buy.

"Come ooooooon! We need to get ready!" She pulled off the blanket you were clutching onto. "T-minus 6 hours until we meet the love of my life!" She wraps her arms around her body and starts to sway back and forth.

"You mean the love of MY life!" You throw the pillow from behind you at her.

"I mean we can share." She shrugs her shoulders walking off into the bathroom.

"I don't share! Plus I'm older so I have more say and 'experience'." You laugh to yourself as you crawl out of the bed dragging your feet as you walk to the bathroom.

Two hours later you both are ready with one last look in the mirror and about a zillion photos of the two of you in your shirts you both had made a couple weeks ago, you head out the door.

As you both enter the center your mouth drops at the amazing sight. Your friend is dragging you left and right to see one thing or another. She wouldn't let you leave her side and that was per the design on the Tee shirts you both had on. On the front of your shirt was a J and the front of hers was an R. On the back of yours it said Jeremy and the back of hers said Renner. You both knew it was cheesy but you only live once, right?

As the time passed on it got closer to the time and she was pulling you to the booths were the Marvel cast members were going to be. She links arms with you as she walks to the end of the line of people waiting. What seems like forever, time crawling at this point, you pull out your phone and start to look through your Instagram feed to keep your mind occupied. You start to hear all forms of squeals and cheers all around you and your best friend starts jumping up and down next to you. Looking up from your phone you see the Marvel cast members walking through a curtain at the end of the long row of tables.

"OMG! OMG! OMG!" Your best friend starts to scream.

"Calm your tits, you don't want to be seen as just another fan girl do you?" You turn to her trying to get her to settle.

"I don't care! This man will be the death of me!" She squeals.

You watch as Chris Evans, RDJ and ScarJo settle down into their seats. Still no JR. Then there is a high-pitched, ear-piercing scream right next to you as your eyes land on him. He was wearing a thin grey tee and a pair of black pants. You catch yourself biting your bottom lip as you notice the hair. He had spiked up the tips with that bed head look that always made you want to drool all over yourself. But that was just pictures, this was different. In real life it took your breath away to see this specimen of a man mere feet from you.

"Come on! Keep up with the line! I'm not getting cut because you're chocking on your drool." Your friend pulls on your left arm snapping you out of your dead ass gaze.

"Huh? Oh, yeah sorry." You shake your head trying to keep yourself focused.

An hour and a half later you two were the next in line. You were sure you had a bruise on your bottom lip at this point from biting down on it to hold in the squeaks and squeals every time you hear that laugh of his. Your stomach was in knots and the butterflies were flying like there was a hurricane in there.

"We're next!" Your friend squeaks out.

As the three ladies in front of you finish gushing and walk off to the right you lock eyes with him and feel the red flush race across your face.

"Hey! Nice shirts!" He calls out to the two of you.

"They have backs too!" Your friend shouts out as she pulls you around to show him the backs.

There was that laugh again. You throw your hand over your face trying to hide the embarrassment written all over it.

"NICE!" His deep raspy voice sends chills down your arms as you both turn back around to face him. "So, ladies, what do you have for me?" He holds out his hand as your friend hands over a couple things for him to sign. You hold out your left arm. You had no idea what was happening until you felt a warm hand on top of yours.

"Your friend ok?" He turns to your BFF asking her abut you as she shakes you by the shoulder.

"Y/N? Snap out of it!" She says through her teeth.

"Y/N? That is a beautiful name." He says while you catch his eye again.

"Thanks! I have an odd request." You whisper as you step closer to the table. "Can you sigh my arm next to my Hawkeye tattoo?" You can feel a little bit of confidence flowing through you as you turn your arm over exposing the arrow through the Hawkeye symbol on your wrist.

"That is BADASS!" He raises an eyebrow at you meeting your doe like eyes. "Sure! I'd be honored!"

He takes his sharpie and signs his name under the tattoo and even draws a little bow and arrow next to it. You look down to it and back up at him with a stupid cheesy grin on your face,

"Thank you so much!" You knew you had a stupid Cheshire cat grin on your face but you didn't care, your lifelong crush had just been touching you and you could now die happy.

"No problem, sweetheart." He hands your friend her things back and looks back at you with that little devilish smirk on his face as he winks at you.

"Don't hold up the line!" The lady behind you yells at you.

"Come on Y/N, we still have the photo op later. You can make googly eyes then." She pulls on your arm forcing you to hang your head.

"I guess we shall meet again." He beams that smile of his to you and your stomach does a back flip.

All you could do is giggle and hide your flushing face from him with your right hand. The two of you walk back down the open room to where the venders were. She was babbling on and on about something but your eyes were focused on the black marks on your left arm. You still couldn't believe what just happened. Did that just happen? Am I dreaming? Am I still in the hotel about to wake up?

So many thoughts, but no way to focus, only one hour before you were face to face with him again. You had to find a way to compose yourself better. Woosah!

Jeremy Renner & His Characters One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now