DWY - 10

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Minju looked back and forth to find a certain person. She asked her friends if they know where Yujin was.

It's Christmas, yes and she's supposed to be with her mom side family for 5 days but she left after 2 days. She was there and they welcomed Christmas together but she decided to go back today.

She's been thinking about the younger for 2 whole days.

She knows Yujin will be alone since the girl would probably just have a dinner with her mom and feel left out after so she would just stay alone, while her dad is busy again. Yujin already told her that it was her usual doing for the past 6 years. And now, she wants to be with Yujin.. to spent this Christmas with her.

Minju also wants her feelings to be said. The girl just ran away two days ago.

She didn't have the time to go after her since the train arrived right away. So instead, she went back as soon as she can.

And luckily her friends saw Yujin today at a festival nearby. Minju's also holding a scarf, her friends' pictures captured a pretty someone in the back, it was Yujin but they just realized after a few minutes and they don't know where the girl went.

So the older girl just hurried and took an extra scarf. It's cold and Yujin forgot to wear one as she have seen on the photo.

It's currently sun down and after minutes of looking around the place, her eyes darted on the bench and found the certain person she's looking for. She's even blowing her hands out of the cold. She looks like a cute lost puppy in the cold.

Minju walked forward and stood infront of her. At first, the girl didn't notice but as soon as she did the younger stood up, towering her once again and all she can do was raise her hand to wrap the scarf to the younger.

"You fool, you ran away from me 2 days ago and now you forgot to bring your scarf.." Minju mumbles as she continued on wrapping the scarf around Yujin's neck while the girl kept mum. "I came back as soon as I can.."

"You didn't even bother to wait for my response."

The taller girl lowered her head and unknowingly pouted her lips. "I-I'm sorry." Cutie.

Yujin just took all her courage up after the silence went to them so she decided to speak. Now or never.

"I wasn't able to tell this properly to you last time b-but.."

"I like you. More like the word I love you already. I never thought I'll want a person to be with me for the rest of my life. I thank you for that day and till now. I even promised myself that day that once I saw you again, I'll make sure that whenever you cry I'll be there too just like what you did for me."

"I love you Joo and I want to let you know these feelings. The day I saw you again was a time you were crying and I didn't want that. I'm thankful, from the day I first met you and that day I saw you again.. since that time I was finally able to say I'm alright. I don't feel alone anymore."

"I love you, I want to be there whenever you need someone, whenever you're sad I want to be there to make you feel better or to just give you a shoulder to cry on. I want to see you smile everyday and I want you to be with me everyday, for a lifetime rather. If you allow me, then can I court you?"

Minju just stared at her, leaving Yujin completely confused. She didn't expect her to completely confess properly right away. "It's okay if you don't-"

The older girl just shook her head before tiptoeing to give the taller a quick peck on the lips.

"You talked a lot. But hey, guess what? I like you too."

Dreams with you - JinjooWhere stories live. Discover now