"Maybe she's thinking that all your actions towards her are just friendly ones. Do something you know." Well at least for once her friend made sense.

She knows that. It's also why she's planning to confess. Just to say her feelings, she wants the girl to know her intentions.

"Just figure out things on your own and I know you don't rush things but.. yeah, follow what you think is right and what your heart says." Minju smiled and nodded, she'll probably ask them for some advice and help too.


Yujin instead waited for Minju in the parking lot. But then, she received a text.

And of course she texted Minju that she has to go somewhere and will just meet her later.

"Ah you big kid!!"

"Unnie stoppp." Yujin whined after a certain girl messed her hair.

"You still live there?" She asks.

"Yeah but I'm hungry let's eat first, my treat." She just nodded.


Yujin and Minju saw each other at the house, the two of them just decided to watch a movie before going to sleep.

Yujin didn't really bother to ask who the guy she saw Minju with earlier and.. if Minju wants to tell her about it then she'll listen. And if she don't then it's okay, she respects that.

But in the end, the older girl told her about it honestly and what she thought. She even told her that she doesn't know who the guy was, he must've said his name but she forgot it. Yujin just listened and gave her some responses.

Yujin felt glad but otherwise, even if the latter likes someone else she would be happy for her. She's also glad that Minju told her about it.

They're always like that anyway, they don't tell each other lies.

And also in a few days, Minju and her mom would move out. Well not that soon, more like they'll be staying in their province for the break since it's Christmas and after that Minju's mom already found a place to stay when they go back.

Yujin was okay with it though she was really happy with the two's presence. It was much better than her being alone. But of course she can't do anything about it, they would still visit her often and same goes for her to them so she's glad.


Minju woke up early than she expected, it was Saturday and Yujin doesn't have classes as well. She decided to see if the younger's awake so she knocked twice and opened the door just to find a peacefully sleeping Yujin.

How cute.

She's been to the girl's room multiple times. They sometimes study together here even though Yujin has a mini library room at her house.

Minju just sat at the bed and observed the sleeping girl. Her cheeks were so fluffy and Minju loves to poke and pinch that but not for now since Yujin is still peacefully sleeping. She doesn't want to disturb her.

While staring at her, she just found the girl's arm moving and next it was placed above her waist.

Minju smiled, she doesn't mind. She continued staring at her and brushing the girl's hair with her finger.

She waited for Yujin to let go of her so she can leave the girl sleeping and just wait for her to wake up later but in the end.. she felt sleepy. The next thing is that she also fell asleep.


Minju slowly opens her eyes, seeing a familiar face infront of her. The sun was hitting their faces but she could clearly see who it was and that the girl moved a bit and now has her dimples visible.

Dreams with you - JinjooOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora