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I always found my way back. No matter how hard I tried to stay away, to heal, my feet always carried me back to him. 

He had died by a lake. The lake was still there, but a tree now grew from where he perished. Every year, a patch of hyacinths bloomed in the spot his body had lain. His blood had seeped into the ground, and a beautiful blue flower popped up. Others soon followed. It was the only spot I could still feel his presence. 

I knelt before the patch of flowers and pressed a hand to the earth. With Cassandra's betrayal a fresh wound in my heart, the ache for Hyacinth was particularly heavy. He had been one of the rare good ones. The genuine, caring young man who loved me unconditionally. 

"I will always love you," I muttered, fingers digging into the dirt. "No matter how long it's been or how I've tried to move on, no one can match you, Hyacinthus. Not even that girl." 

He was gone, living in eternity in the Underworld and yet I felt a brush of faint lips against my neck, the sweet scent of his beautiful flower filling my senses. I closed my eyes, relishing the memory of his touch along my skin. 

When I opened my eyes, I smiled softly and climbed to my feet. I didn't need a human to help me move on. I didn't want to deal with more heartache, not after Hyacinthus and Cassandra.

Besides, I had the memory of him and that was all I needed.  


Final Word Count: 4,910

Woo! Got it in under 5k words!! 

I LOVED this story! So much so that I kind of want to base a novel off it xD but that is for another day! For now I am probably going  to work on the ending a bit (I really don't like writing endings haha) and edit it and then send it in to the contest! 

How did you like it? Should I adapt this to a novel?? Or should I rewrite another myth?? Let me know with a comment!

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