Chapter10:Are You Okay?

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I heard the annoying birds
I was never a morning person and
I didn't want to get up
This pillow is so soft and makes me feel safe suddenly I felt something tightens around my waist I want to get away from it
moving but it is so hard to escape its grip
"Stop moving" said deep husky voice
I fly my eyes open to found my pillow was the god of Mischeive he looked peaceful as he always does when he is asleep
I found myself staring at his face and admiring his beauty
"I don't know what it means but they always say it in a situation like this *take a photo it will last longer" he said while opening his eyes
I chuckled and he smiled at me then we stare at each other eyes for a while
his emerland eyes that hold so many secrets that know no one know
"and do you want to me to share  those secrets?" he said laughing at my thoughts
"how many times do I have to tell you to not invade my mind have you heard about something called privacy!" I said sarcastically
Then he looked at me deeply
I felt the tension again

"What is wrong?did something happened you know you can tell me I am kinda your friend right? "I said with concern and end it awkwardly.
He looked at me kinda of surprised "my friend?"
"you know If you don't want me your friend you can just.."
"NO of course no I mean I really want to be....your friend" he said it as if he want to convince himself
"okay,so are you going to tell me what's wrong?"
"I just can't believe that I slept peacefully without nightmares" he said with a small smile
So he was comfortable with sleeping with me on the bed because I wasn't going to let him sleep on the floor either me
He laughed again at my thoughts I feel I am going to be addicted to this laugh
"so we have something like a competition do you want to come? "
"yeah sure"


At the gym

"so we have that tourment we fight against each other without powers it is just a physically competition"
He nodded at me to continue
"you can see who against whom here" I said pointing at the board

Y/n × steve
(..whoever wins..) x Tony  stark
(..whoever wins..) x Thor
(..whoever wins..) x loki
(..whoever wins..) x nate


"as you can see loki you are on the fourth round I guess you rest or just train whatever you want"
"what about you? You are supposed to compete now do you want me to put some magic to strengthen your body" he said concerned
"WHATT? no I am totally fine I am fine against americain ass
But with dad it is gonna hard but dada will let me win and thor is fine you are the one who I don't know what is your advantages or weaknesses so I am afraid to compete you but I am gonna be fine but you really can give me power to strength me that.... that is amazing but no powers no suits no superhero  shit here"  I said really quickly without thinking
"okay my lady if you needed anything come to me and good luck, love"
He called me love again 3>
I felt myself blushing really hard

"y/n are you okay? because you look like tomato" Nat asked laughing

"I am  fine nat... Just forget it"

Later on
I finished americain ass into back flips and an elbow punch and he surrenders

Dad was the hardest as he expected my every move he worked at defensive as I am his daughter he cannot punch me or something until I made unexpected move I put leg on his knees from the back and he fell on his face
He got up laughing "nice move y/n, you deserve to win. I surrender!!" he said proudly
I told them I need a break to rest the I get in the third round against Thor
Thor really was hard built person so it was hard he started throw punches and he tried to backflip me but then I get on his head and then flip to the front he fell hard then I started swinging my legs against his face he fainted
I didn't mean to but he just punched me a lot it hurts but he wake up after five minutes he was fine
he said "I surrender"
I went to the hospital wing because my face was bleeding
"is it too bad? , Mr hulk" loki asked concerned
"no it will just take time to heal but it is not as bad as y/n's other wounds"
"I guess Thor really imagined me as his worst enemy"
"what why he would do that" loki asked
"because he started saying a lot of insults and his eyes were full of hatred"
"I will deal with him later Now I don't wanna fight you" loki announced
"WHAT Whyyy are you so afraid to fight me god of Mischief"i teased him
" I just don't want you to get hurt more than you aleardy are "
" no loki I won't get hurt I just let Thor to let go of whatever he was holding back and I guess he LET IT GOOO SO hard on me hahaha"

Back to the gym

"now the semi finale y/n against loki" dad announced
I smiled at loki he just looked at me blankly
We get in the competition room we just stare at each other no one wants to hurt the other
either him or I need to win
He smirked at me and get closer  and closer as he take every step forward I took a step back until I hit the wall
"I guess now I am trapped here hahaha" I laughed awkwardly he just looked at me
He got near to my ear and he said
"y/n, I will never hurt you and I won't stop you from winning;just punch me, dear"
His voice is deep it sends shivers through my body
"and I loki I will never hurt you"
Loki looked at the glass where all the avengers are watching us he made the sign of surrender
"but brother you didn't even fight her" Thor said
"Indeed I did I fought her beutiful eyes that wants to kill me it was a mental fight more physical but she did already made me fall" *in love with her* he thought

"Next and finale fight y/n against Nat"
I get on the competition room again
"look dear I already won last time so let's finish this in your way" Nat said with her most fake smile I laughed
I throw a lot of punches but she dodges them all then she hit me hard I raised my hand it means stop for a moment I got flash back from place I don't know I saw myself dancing ballet then hit a man with my dance I got up
I looked at nat I felt something inside is moving like the last time with loki I looked at the glass window that loki stands behind it he looked at me worried
I start doing the dances that I saw in the flash back it wasn't hard it felt my body had done it before I hit nat with them she was shocked and she was hit hard after 5 mins she surrender
I won
I won I did it
loki came in the room and hugged me and swang me around I laughed and hugged him back then I heard my dad's cough
loki put me down slowly
it was so emabrssing


Back in the room

I took a shower but I forgot to bring clothes so I called for loki he came in seconds
I talked to him through the bathroom door
"yes, my dear"
"I forgot to bring clothes"
"1min my dear"
After like 5 mins I heard a knoch on my door I opened he gave me clothes. He even brought panties and bra
I was like a tomato
I got out he looked at me
"FIANLLY I felt you were away for centuries I missed you" that was unexpected
"I... I. I need to rest so i am gonna sleep"
"okay, my dear"
"I am gonna take the left side of the bed you can take the right and here is a pillow between us Don't remove it"i demanded 
"y/n, are you okay my love?" he looked concerned
"aauh and stop those silly nicknames" I said harshly I felt guilty after it
He looked at me sadly
"yeah of course" he said coldly
After that I drifted to sleep
about 3 hours later I felt some one is shivering and then there is some screams
I woke up and  looked around and found loki
he was sweating and  crying too
"Loki" I called softly
"loki, my love wake up"
His eyes fly open
he was breathing really fast
"loki look at me breath in and out while counting with me 
1 in 2 out 3 in 4 out  okay let's do it slowly say with me
1"  he breathed in "2" out
We repeat twice until he is breath is even
He stared at me embarrassed
"I don't need you to tell me what happened but come here you need that hug"
He came slowly like a lost puppy finding his home
he buried his head in my neck then he warped his arms around my waist hugging me
"Are you okay? Do you need something?" I asked concerned as he was crying while hugging Me
"You. I need you" he whispered
"I am here for you, loki" I said
We then drifted to sleep in each other arms


Hi guys
Sorry for not updating for a long time
Hope you liked the chapter

Until next chapter✨

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