Chapter 28 - Jack Van Lowden

Start from the beginning

Detective Julia scribbled something in her notebook and without even looking at me, continue asking. "Okay, so your dad and Mr. Mulroney got along with everyone but there must be someone, even if they got along well, that would benefit from their deaths?" 

"Yes, there is one," I say, making my hands into fists. Oh, there is one, alright. " Rupert McCarthy, the newly appointed Chairman of the Board at Dot Com. I despise the man...but still I don't think he has the balls to do something like this."

"Why do you say that?" Ethan asked, from the other side of the room while crossing his arms. "You don't get along with Rupert McCarthy?"

"Never did." That brings Ritter's attention. " The man hates my gut and Elle's because we are the kids of the founders. In his mind, we don't need to be smart or do anything at all, and magically we get a good position in the company. McCarthy hates nepotism."

"Weren't you the best student of your year at Harvard and Miss Mulroney second best from your class?" Julia asked astounded. She certainly had done her research before coming to meet me. "He can hate nepotism but your grades speak for themselves."

"Your right," Her assessment is right, but the problem is, she doesn't know the man in question. "However, he doesn't care about that. Never did. He thinks other people should be holding my position and Elle's at Dot Com. A position that once again, we only gain because our parents are the founders of the company. That's how he thinks when it comes to my brothers, my sisters, Elle, and me. He's the newly appointed Chairman of the Board, the new CEO is his puppy and he has the Board on his side. At this moment, the man can do what he basically wants. McCarthy even has my mother wrapped around his fingers and her shares along with it." 

"And you still think he isn't capable of murder after what you just described?" 

"Yes," I reply. I could see in both of their faces that McCarthy had just gone from nobody to person of interest but I just couldn't wrap my head around it. From what I knew about him, he didn't have the balls let alone the imagination to come up with a plan like this. "Look, McCarthy is many things and among them, he is a guy that tries to make the best out of an opportunity to get what he wants, which is exactly what he did the moment he found out about my dad and Gerald's death. He doesn't know how to think ahead or think outside of the box and that's why I think he didn't do it...even though after what I told you it makes it possible."

Ethan nodded. "Alright, then what if I told you from what we gathered so far, Mrs. Mulroney was also having an affair at the time of their deaths with Rupert McCarthy..."

I shrugged. "I already knew about it. Elle was the one that found out about them, though I'm told they aren't discrete, at least not in New York."

"Don't you think Diana Mulroney would be able to do it then? She was having an affair with a Board Member and from what I gathered Mr. Mulroney never gave her proper attention, only money. She was an ornament to him. If Rupert McCarthy lacks creativity, what about Diana? Is she creative enough?" His tone was more serious than before and I couldn't under why the change of attitude. It was like he knew more than he was asking.

I sighed, looking first at my hands. "Diana...Diana is a puzzle but an easy puzzle when we put a few green papers in front of her. She knew from the beginning of her marriage that no matter what she did, she was never going to replace Gerald's first wife. Natalie was the one he truly love. She knew that and she married him anyway, just like she thought she was going to get half of what was Gerald's and didn't. He named his daughter the sole heir of everything. So, yes she chases after money but murdering for that I don't think so. She could do what she wanted with or without him."

"Alright, what about you, Mr. Van Lowden?" Ethan asked and I gave him a confused look what the hell was he implying? "Do you like to chase money or more like give it away...for maybe paying for services?"

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