"You got it, Dude" Nino replied.


With Marinette, she was at her apartment reading a book. She can't wait to see him again tonight. His emerald eyes are so mysterious and beautiful.

"I wonder if he really does have cat-like eyes behind the mask" She wondered.

"Maybe I do" A familiar voice startled her.

"GAH!" Marinette got startled.

"Easy, it's your friendly neighbor kitty," Cat Noir said.

"How the hell did you get in?" Marinette panted from her heart attack.

"I got many tricks up my sleeve, milady" Cat Noir flirted with her.

"Like a cat stalking his prey and I'm the mouse," Marinette said sarcastically.

"Yum," He smirked.

"I look delicious enough" Marinette joked.

"You're too beautiful" He purred.

"And you owe me for the bite, young man. I keep lying to my friends it was just an insect bite" Marinette said.

"Yeah, sorry about that" Cat Noir gave her a nervous smile.

"What kind of punishment should you get?" Marinette asked.

"Eternal kiss?" Cat Noir asked.

"Really kitty cat?" Marinette giggled.

"I'm very char-meowing like a prince" Cat Noir flirted.

"Alright Cat Noir, pucker up" Marinette cups his face and kissed him.

Cat Noir gave into his bride's kiss and held her close. He felt her hands playing with his hair and he purred in happiness.

"Mmmmmmmmwah, did I hear a purr?" Marinette teased.

"More like my heart purred" He grinned.

"Silly cat" She scratched his chin.

"Meow" Cat Noir chuckled.

"Are you hungry for blood again?" She asked.

"I'm not hungry for your blood, princess" Cat Noir said.

"I suppose you can last a while" Marinette held his hands.

"Meow" He slowly licked her cheek seductively.

"Bad kitty" Marinette blushed.

"So what would you like to do now?" Cat Noir asked.

"Like go out?" Marinette suggested.

"Twilight saga style" Cat Noir nodded.

"Sure kitty. Let's go" Marinette said, grabbing her jacket.

"Meow, a Chinese silk jacket. Impuuuurrrrressive" Cat Noir said.

"I designed it myself, Kitty," Marinette said.

"Neat. Let's go milady" He said.

"You got it, kitty" Marinette replied.


Later on, they were walking in the park together, nobody could tell that Cat Noir is a vampire.

"Do you really love cats?" Marinette asked.

"Yes, they are quite interesting animals to begin with, they got better senses than humans," Cat Noir said.

"Interesting. It is also said that ladybugs bring joy and good luck" Marinette said.

"And I bring bad luck," Cat Noir said.

"Well, you know black cats lead to bad luck in myths," Marinette said.

"And that's why I love black cats," Cat Noir said and they came to the park.

"So no hunter can get you," Marinette said.

"Exactly" Cat Noir nodded.

"Tell me, why do you use guns?" Marinette asked.

"Well, many these days have guns to defend themselves in such dangerous situations. Even vampires like me use them" Cat Noir said.

"Sounds like you are protecting humanity," Marinette said.

"I am," Cat Noir said.

"But why are you doing it?" Marinette asked again.

"You see, my late father sold his soul to cause chaos between humans and vampires" Cat Noir replied.

"He did?" Marinette was surprised.

"Yeah. I once had a human bride but he killed her. I promised myself to make sure no evil harms humankind ever again" Cat Noir said.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Kitty," Marinette said.

"It was a long time ago. She wanted me to move on and continue my eternal life" Cat Noir said.

"So you don't want history to repeat itself" Marinette guessed.

"Exactly," Cat Noir said.

"What was her name?" Marinette asked.

"Kagami," Cat Noir said.

"Japanese?" Marinette said.

"Yes, she was" Cat Noir replied.

"My poor kitty" Marinette stroked his hair and Cat Noir purred as Marinette comforts him, "Come here kitty" She soon hugs him.

"Meow, your blood tasted like kindness" Cat Noir nuzzled her.

"Feeling better?" Marinette asked.

"Yeah," Cat Noir said.

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