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Eliza's pov

"I'm coming!"I heard a voice shout after I knocked on the front door.

I was starting my job as a babysitter today.

Although I didn't want to,I had to,my mother works late hours to make money but it barely gets us anything and my sister is only 14,she can't provide.

So me being 18,I decided I should start helping out my mother.

She doesn't know about it yet though.

"Hi,you must be Eliza."I heard a voice say snapping me out my thoughts.

"Good morning,yes I am."I replied politely.

"Nice to meet you,I'm Jamie,don't call me anything else but Jamie please." The woman said smiling.

"Nice to meet you to."I said returning the smile.

"Okay well come in,let me introduce you to my son."she said moving to the side so I could enter.

I nodded my head,walking inside the house,looking around seeing no shoes in front of the door.

"Jamell."Jamie called out.

"Mm?"I heard a soft voice hum.

"Come here please."she said as we stood by the kitchen counter.

The kitchen was damn near the size of my living room.

"Mell,this is Eliza,Eliza this is my son Jamell."Jamie Introduced making me look at the boy.

What the fuck.

This mans grown as fuck.

"Hi."I greeted waving at him.

He just stared at me before looking at Jamie.

"Say hi Mell."she said smiling.

Jamell waved at me shyly as a blush formed on his face.

"He's a bit shy,you can do anything you want,just try not to make it noisy for him,he hates it."She said making me nod.

"Is he a little?"I whispered to her.

"Yes,sorry for not telling you."she apologized.

"No,it's okay,shouldn't be too hard."I said shrugging.

"Yeah,he's a good boy,I'll hand you a pay check every day,cause he can sometimes be a handful so yeah."she said sighing.

"But I'll be heading out now,you two have fun,see you later baby,bye."she said grabbing her bag and keys and walking out.

"What's wrong?"I asked Jamell seeing his bottom lip quiver.

He just pointed at the door as a tear fell down his eye.

"She'll be back,come on let's play something."I said walking over to him.

"Mm."he hummed looking at me.

"What?"I questioned.

"Hmm."he hummed again frowning.

"I don't understand you."I said softly.

"Hug."He said in his little voice.

Oh my gosh,my heart nearly melted.

"Aww come here."I said opening my arms to him.

Not even a second later,he embraced himself in a big,tight hug.

"You'll see her soon okay?"I said moving him back so he could see my face.

He just nodded his head before grabbing my hand,nearly dislocating my arm as he pulled me to the stairs.

Hopefully this doesn't go too bad.

He is technically a child,so it would be just like how a child would be.

Not too hard,right?

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