Isabella rolled her eyes at her brothers speech.

"But, I haven't, instead I stayed with you and let you leech every moment of happiness from my life! You know, at least I fared better then Finn, Klaus left him daggered because he was tired of his judgment."

"No, Finn was a dullard. He was more interesting lying in a box."

Isabella and Thomas looked at each other at the same time and had the same facial expression: annoyance.

"You want the cure for Elena, don't you? So you can go back to mass producing your hybrids. That's why you brought Stefan here, because you knew that he'd help you even though he hates your guts! You know what? You can shove your cure." Rebekah turned around and walked out of the house without a second glance at any of them.

Klaus smirked and turned to his youngest sister, "are you not going to follow her?"

"Does it give you pleasure being a dick constantly?" Isabella asked.

"Great pleasure. Are you two in or out on this expedition?" Klaus stated.

"O-" Isabella started, ready to decline.

But Thomas interrupted her, "we're in."

Klaus's eyes snapped to him and after a few seconds, he nodded. But Isabella turned to him and narrowed her eyes slightly, he gave her a small smile.

"I hope you got what you wanted out of her before you chased her off." Stefan interrupted.

"She never would have told me what I needed to know. But she'll tell you." Klaus told him.

"Oh, god." Isabella muttered.

"What do you need me to find out?" He asked.

"The map is useless without the tool to decipher it." Klaus told him.

"The sword." Stefan guessed.

"She knows where it is. And you're gonna get her to tell you. You have a chance to save Elena from the very thing that is going to destroy her. You can call it a deal with the devil, if you like. But you know you won't walk away from it."

Klaus knew he had trapped Stefan. There would be no way that Stefan would refuse this opportunity.

Stefan moved around them and quickly left the house.

Klaus turned to the pair and watched them both, standing beside each other.

"Would you two happen to know where the sword is?" He asked.

"How would we know?" Isabella asked.

"You could of been lurking around on the other side when Alexander told Rebekah." He stated.

"I didn't hear anything," she looked up to Thomas, "you?"

He shook his head, "no."

"Great. What was the point of you being able to sneak around anywhere if you didn't get any information?" Klaus asked, throwing his arms in the air.

Isabella looked at her brother like he was a fool, "Niklaus, we aren't spies. We didn't know that we had to listen out for stuff. So sorry if that inconveniences you."

Klaus rolled his eyes and moved back over to the door. He walked behind Jeremy's chair and looked at his work.

Isabella leaned against the door frame, watching the scene unfold whereas Thomas walked into the parlour to pour himself a drink.

"Nice lines. Now, if you could just hurry it up a little bit." Klaus said. Jeremy had only drew a small part of the tattoo that he remembered.

But the boy stood up and handed the sketch pad to Klaus which he took.

"I'm done." He announced.

Klaus looked down at the drawing furiously and walked towards Connor, waving the drawing around, "what is this?"

"It's the tattoo." Jeremy told him.

Isabella frowned, "no it's not."

But klaus didn't feel like taking, he spun around and grabbed Jeremy by the throat. "I've seen the tattoo, you impertinent punk. There's more to it."

"That's all of it. He says every time he kills a vampire it spreads."

Isabella's eyes widened. How much vampires would it take?

Klaus threw Jeremy back into the chair. He turned to look at Connor.

"Nate!" He yelled.

A hybrid walked through the door.

"Tell the girl to take Jeremy home." Klaus ordered and then pointed to the hunter, "keep this one alive at all costs."

Klaus walked out of the room, grabbing his sisters arm firmly and pulled her to a walking pace beside him.

Isabella tried to pull out of his hold when they got into the parlour.

Thomas watched the scene with furrowed eyebrows.

"Let go of me, Nik." She mumbled and then finally pulled out of his grip.

"Do you not want to come with?" He asked.

"No. Just go." Isabella told him.

Klaus rolled his eyes and headed out of the house straight away.

She rubbed her arm where Klaus had held her, "god, that boy."

She turned to face Thomas who was drinking from his glass.

"Why do you want to look for the cure? We could of sat it out." Isabella said.

He placed the glass onto the table behind him. "Why not? It is something to do. May as well be apart of the commotion rather than being on the sidelines."

Isabella thought about that for a few seconds, "but that also means I'm going against Rebekah."

"Darling, you can't always do everything other people want. You have to think for yourself sometimes." He moved towards her and when he was in reach, he reached out and held her head between his hands, "okay?"

She nodded her head slightly, "I know. I just don't like seeing Rebekah sad."

"I know." He whispered.

She moved even closer to wrap her arms around his torso, hugging him. He returned the gesture, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and one hand holding the back of her head.

He rested his chin on the top of her head as they stayed in that position for a few seconds.

"Did you miss being a wolf?" She asked, muffling into his chest.

He hummed, "I guess so. I always related it to being a family thing. Obviously apart from Lila," his 11 year old sister, "but it did feel good to be free again."

"Every full moon, if you need or want me there, I'll be there." She stated.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He lowly said.

She craned her neck so she looked up, resting her chin on his chest and smiled.

She liked being so close to him. She never wanted to leave.

"What was that?" She asked when a loud crash was heard from the other room.

They instantly let go of each other and Isabella sped off to the noise origin.

Nate, the hybrid was in two halves in the floor. His head was on one side and his body was on the other and there was no sign of Connor.

"Holy shit." Isabella mumbled, grimacing at the scene.

Thomas came up behind her, "what the fuck happened here?"

"The hunter found a way out, the sneaky bastard." She said.


This was a boring chapter ngl.

But happy Monday!

I have a job interview tomorrow and I'm terrified and then I start school in two days... year 12. Yay.... :/

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Bye! xx

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