Start from the beginning

"I don't know what's happening, man! She was just asleep and shit was aight! Imma find the nigga who took her, I swear! I'll handle it!"

"You better. Because if not, I'll FIND a way to put your ass in jail. I already have dirt on you, I would just report it to the police."

"What do you mean dirt on me? What do you know about me, nigga?!"

"I know that you murdered one of your best friends. Once Alexis finds that out AND the fact that you lost our daughter, she'll never wanna speak to you again."

My eyes suddenly widened. How did someone do random like HIM find out that I murdered Bashar?

"Daddy, what's he talking about?"

"Kairi, wait for daddy in the kitchen. Go check upstairs if Kobi is okay. I'll be up there in a minute."

"Okay, daddy.."

Kairi slowly moved away from the top of the stairs, walking away to follow the instructions I just gave her.

"Nigga, you don't even know the story! He threatened to come after my kids, so I had to do what I had to do. You'll never understand this street life, you ain't nothing but a pussy."

"I rather be a pussy than a murderer. What you're going to do now is go find the dude that took my daughter. I'll be informing Alexis about this, AND the police. Looks like you'll be in the jailhouse with your best friend Clarence."

"How do you know all of this? Do you stalk me around or something?"

"Don't worry about it. Just know I know about everything that goes on. You can't get past me, David."

Honestly, how does he know EVERYTHING about me and my life?!

"Tell me everything you know or imma shoot yo ass right now!"

"Oooh, is that ANOTHER threat that I can take to police? But if you're so desperate to know, my sister is a police. One of the best police that work in New York. She said she's had tons of run ins with you and your criminal friends."

"Who is she? I've seen plenty of female police around."

"Maya Lopez. Does that ring a bell?"


It sure does ring a bell.

Maya Lopez is the police officer who was chasing all of us out of our hot spot one time when we were selling some drugs.

Luckily, we were all fast enough to run away on time so she wouldn't catch any of us.

Maya Lopez is also the officer who locked Shooter up one time for violating his parole.

And now that I think about it, Maya Lopez is probably the officer who locked Clarence up just recently.

"Uh, yeah.. that rings a bell.."

"I'm glad it does. Also, I hate to inform you, but Maya and her cop buddies also just discovered Bashar's body in the lake fourteen miles from here. You do a TERRIBLE job with disposing bodies. You should probably wanna fire your little handy man Pedro, too. He's close to snitching on you. Now, when I tell her that you basically kidnapped my daughter, which is her niece, she'll be QUICK to lock you up."

"I didn't kidnap her! Alexis gave Aniyah the option on if she wanted to go with me or you, and she said me!"

"You two REALLY gave a five year old an option on who she wants to go with? Especially after knowing you for only what, two weeks? How smart is that?"

"Says the Nigga who barely even takes care of her!"

"That's perfectly fine. Because once Aniyah is found, she'll be put into my full custody once the police department and child protective services knows that Alexis was apart of this bullshit. Don't even go to find my daughter, I'll have Maya handle it."

Right when Jacob went to walk away,


I let off a shot in the back of his head, knocking him out cold instantly.

Lil nigga thought he was Finna snitch on me.

But, he claims his sister is the best police officers in New York, so she's eventually going to find out.

Now completely freaking out, I made a phone call to Millie.

"Dave, why are you calling me? Do you know what time it is?"

"Look, I need you to come and get the kids NOW. I have to leave town, shit is getting serious."

"What? Why? What did you do, Dave?"

"I don't have enough time to explain! I HAVE to go! Come get them!"

"Okay, okay, fine. I'm coming right now."

"I'll explain later, don't worry."

I quickly hung up the phone, walking upstairs to where Kairi was.

Shooter, Justin, Christian, and I have to ditch New York. Because if not?

We're all going to be locked up with so much charges.

We'll be in there until it's time to see the grave.

HARLEM STREETS | DAVE EAST Where stories live. Discover now