Chapter 5 "the dreams" ˖*

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when I woke up I was in a dark room on a hard mattress my eyes started to water and as I looked around the room I realised what happened to me and how I know I won't be able to survive as I look to the door I see him, a man with a mask as he started to walk closer to me I stood up and took a step back "well someone's awake great" "why am I here." "don't worry about that" "where am I?" "don't worry about that either trust me you're safe" I didn't believe him, "what's that phone over there?" "it doesn't work, don't try to call anyone." "Okay" as I watched him walk upstairs slowly I start to think how my life is now completely over and how my friends are probably struggling right now, I shouldn't have helped him this is all my fault. I shouldn't have even gone to school that day.

your pov:
I miss him, I miss him more than anything, I wish it was me who got taken robin doesn't deserve any of this, you start to think of your love for robin and how hard you'll try and find him, you have to fight for love, all that's on your mind right now is robin, and if he goes you'll go too, I can't do this without him he was my best friend he was my boy, nobody else's the way once he smiled everyone else did too, the way he talked the way he comforted me without even trying...

after a while of full thoughts of just Robin, I walk to Gwen's house, "hey Gwen" "hey Ava.." "I can't do this, we need to find him" "there are so many people that are trying ava I promise we'll find him" "I'm not just gonna let him stay there whilst people are looking in the completely wrong direction for him" "people are trying Ava they're trying." you start crying and Gwen tries to comfort you as best she can but it just isn't enough "I just want him back Gwen" "I know you do, I know" "he told me how he felt" "we're you guys..together?" "not yet but we were so close" "Oh Ava...I'm so sorry but we'll find him" "thank you Gwen" "Robin loves you so much, everyone could tell just by him looking at you" you smiled at the thought of everyone else seeing the love between you both "I love him too" Gwen just looks at you and gives you a soft smile.

it's been a couple of days of robin being gone and nobody has found any clues of where he could be you haven't been at school since he went missing, you don't have the energy to do anything knowing he's in danger right now, it's almost midnight and the last thing you're thinking about is sleeping but you know that it's probably better if you do so you put your head on the pillow as you start to cry and imagine Robin being okay and home with his mum and you drift off

your dream was the same, it was a house with a bare tree outside you don't recognise the house you've never seen it before only in your dreams but this time you saw the grabber standing outside and you started hearing robin's scream and your eyes open and your breathing was heavy you start to think that maybe..that's where Robin is and where he's been for the past couple of days, you get ready and rush to Gwen's house to see if she had the same dream as you and if she could see the house too

you knock on her door and Finney answers "oh hey Ava" "hey Finney is Gwen there?" "yeah she's in her room just go up" "okay thank you" you walk into the house and you hug Finney tight and he smiles once you walk to Gwen's room she runs up to you and hugs you "Gwen did you have another one of those dreams?" "yeah, I did..I'm guessing you did too?" "yeah but did you see a house." " had a tree outside a bare one and the grabber he was standing in front of the door," Gwen said "I had the same" "do you think that maybe if we search around the street we could find the house..and maybe find Robin," said Gwen "I've never seen the house before" "me neither but there's got to be something connected with the house and our dreams" "nobody just has these with no meaning behind them" "exactly and nobody is even trying to look for him anymore they've all just given up" you start to talk to Gwen about it a bit more and decide to go for a walk with Gwen to clear your heads once you get home you see your mum looking at you and she doesn't look happy

"where were you?" your mum said whilst taking a sip of her whiskey "oh I just went to Finney's and Gwen's house I had to talk to Gwen about the dreams were having" your mum looks at you and her face just went plain "Ava those dreams are nothing, you aren't going to be able to find that boy don't be stupid ur 14" "do you think I'm going to give up?" your mum stands up and drops her bottle of whisky and glass goes all over the floor and she walks closer to you and crouches down so she's the same height as you "that boy is nothing to you and he always has been, forget it and these dreams have nothing to do with that boy and they won't help you find him" "but what if they can..I'm not taking any chances my dreams can help me find Robin and even if they can't I'd like to of known that I tried" your eyes start to water as your mother slaps you in the face "don't be stupid Ava your dad would of hated you if he knew you turned out like this because of a boy you've only known for a couple weeks" you stare at you mum in disgust as she continues to talk about your dad "mum these past few weeks with Robin have been the best couple weeks of my life, you'll never understand you weren't in love with dad" your mum looks at you again but this time you know you messed up "excuse me?" she said walking over to the table to get another drink "ever since dad died you've been an alcoholic abusive mess and dad would've hated you if he seen you like this you aren't the same person anymore mum and all I know is dad isn't proud" she stays silent and looks around the room to see all the bottles and pills and glass all over the table and floor "if dad was here, you wouldn't be like this and you guys would be happy" "you don't know what I was like with your father you can't say this" as you start to pick up some of the glass you cut yourself "fuck" you walk to the kitchen and put your hand under cold water until the bleeding eventually calms down your mum is still screaming at you about wanting to try to find Robin but you don't listen, you love him and you will find him no matter what.

a/n ; hii, guys! I'm sorry this chapter isn't that long or interesting but the next chapter will be a lot more about Robin and his experience in the basement and the grabber so i hope you all enjoy <3

word count: 1300


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