Eddie" And maybe KT's key can get us through.KT?"

KT"There's something that I need to tell you guys first.Harriet told that I am Frobisher's great-granddaughter.Fabian checked, and I am"

Patricia" Did not see that one coming"

KT"So I understand if you guys want me out of Sibuna"

Charlie" What? No way. Don't be silly KT"

Fabian" We've got the descendant on our team"

Patricia"Yeah, take that team evil"

We all raise our right hands to our right eyes and then say Sibuna.

Then Miss Denby claps and makes us all jump.

Miss Denby" Well chop, chop! Come on everyone!"

We arrive back the house and all Eddie and I can think about is getting down to the tunnels and seeing if KT's key fits the lock.

Fabian" Alfie, Alfie! Tunnels?"

Charlie" Okay with the guards upstairs, we might not get a better chance to get Harriet from the hospital"

Eddie" I say we go now"

Alfie"Well, you know, I'd only hold you back what with the hunger pains and everything"

Charlie" Oh so nothing to do with the, I don't know, tunnels and zombies, then?"

Alfie" No, I mean but it's like, Sibuna, food, Sibuna. Food.That it's"

Eddie" Okay well, guys let's get ready"

We soon all stand behind the bookcase and the light begins bearing its way up to us, Eddie holds the huge lid up to our faces and soon the light has hit the wall instead of our eyes.

Eddie"All right"

Patricia" So simple in hindsight"

We all crawl along more of the tunnel until I spot the door.

Charlie" Guys up here."

Fabian" What?"

Charlie" See? The moon symbol.Got your key KT?"

KT" Yeah"

Eddie" Still think Sibuna could do without you huh?"

KT pushes the grate open.

KT" Dust, cobwebs rusted over Yep Uh, I recognise this place from every nightmare I've ever had"

Twins" We've been here before"

Eddie" This was our Osirian vision.It's a crypt! We're in a tomb"

KT" Let's get out of here"

Patricia" One of these doors has to lead to outside"

Fabian" Well, I think they only open from the other side"

Eddie" Well, if we can't get out of here, we can't get to Harriet"

KT"Guys, this is Frobisher's crypt"

Charlie" No, the door! No! Eddie! We're trapped"

Patricia" Another dead end"

Charlie" Hey, KT You okay?"

KT" Yeah.At least if I'm buried alive I'm in the family tomb, right?"

She then jumps beside me which also makes me jump.

KT" Ah!"

Fabian" Oh! It's okay, they're just bats"

KT" Right just bats, in this just crypt"

The Osirian Twins (2) Where stories live. Discover now