8. The family always stays together

Start from the beginning

Charlie went to sit on a barrel. He sighed, touching the hook with his hand. "Hey, big brother", Bethany said, walking up to him, "You're still the same heartthrob, huh?". Charlie, without looking at her face, replied: "What do you mean?", "Come on, don't be smart. First that little girl and now a fairy too. You have really conquered them". Bethany giggled. "Listen, I'm not in the mood to talk about it now. And that fairy shouldn't even be here", Charlie said nervously. "Come on, I was kidding!", Bethany continued with a wink, "Isabelle finally managed to find her home?", "Yes, now she is free and safe", "Thank goodness. Anyway, I noticed how she looked at you. She got a little crush on you", "Even if it were? She's just a little girl, and then having saved her life I think it's normal that she took me as a point of reference", "Yeah, yeah. Can I tell you something?", "Let's hear it", "I've always liked this your sweet side". Bethany hugged him, gave him a kiss on the cheek and continued: "I remember when we were little and you were always by my side in times of difficulty. You have always been very sweet and caring as an older brother", "Thank you, Bethany. You too are not bad as a younger sister", "You witty! Sometimes you joke too much, but before at least you were always cheerful. You're much more serious lately", "You would be too if you lost a hand!", "True. I'm so sorry", "I'm sorry I can't play my flute anymore, and I'm also sorry to have to put up with that brat Peter Pan here on the ship!", "Now his name is Bartholomew and being a baby we can have the opportunity to educate him good and have him on our side!", "Anyway, I don't want to have anything to do with him, just like dad! I'm okay with being Sasha's uncle, but not for that brat!", "Do as you like. I, on the other hand, am confident that Celia and I can raise him well", "After everything he put us through, I'm surprised how you can trust that monster!", "He's harmless now! You'll see, we'll be able to make him a decent little man!", "Of course, I have some doubts about it! Anyway, that's your business! I'm going to get out of it!". That said, he got up and went to watch the waves from the edge of the ship. Bethany, a little offended, returned to Celia. "He's really intractable lately", she said, closing the bedroom door. "I don't blame him", Celia replied, "With what happened to him, I can imagine", "Compared to once, however, he has matured a lot. But I don't like seeing him so down in the dumps", "He'll feel better soon, I'm sure", "You say?", "Sure. He will surely return to have fun in the ports where we will dock", "I hope so. He was really annoying at times, but he was also witty and cheerful. I miss him a little as he was before". Bethany approached Peter's crib. "How is Bartholomew?", she asked her. Celia, taking Sasha in her arms, replied: "He sleeps like a little angel. And Sasha too", "They're both gorgeous". Soon after, the baby girl opened her eyes. Celia, for a moment, looked away from her. Sasha had the same green eyes as Charlie and she didn't like this at all, as it reminded her of the bad experience she had with him. "My father has the same eyes too", Bethany told her, noticing her discomfort, "You can always pretend that she took them from her grandfather", "I try, but forgetting such an experience is not easy", "I'm sorry that our eldest daughter had to be born like this", "I love our daughter more than myself, she has no fault. However, that horrible experience aside, Charlie seems to have learned the lesson. He no longer bothered me and agreed to never be Sasha's father. It's true that he has matured compared to a time", "Yes, but I confess you that I too am still angry with him for what he did to you", "Some things cannot be forgiven, but I'm still happy that he has learned to control himself. Besides, he redeemed himself by saving my life", "Yeah. He's not evil, but unfortunately he has never accepted 'no' for an answer. He was always used to having a good time with all the women he met. Since you have been here, he has completely changed his attitude". They chatted for a long time, cradling their babies.

Meanwhile, Facilier knocked on James' cabin door. "Come in", the latter said. The sorcerer entered, sat down and said to him: "My dear friend, I would say the war is won". James, gritting his teeth, replied: "Won?! I wanted that brat dead! I wish I'd never discovered that that devil is actually my brother!", "Nobody prevented you from killing him anyway", "I know, but I couldn't deny my daughter to adopt him!", "Do you trust her?", "Why shouldn't I? She has never let me down so far! And you trust your daughter?", "Well, apart from some mess she's made in the past, I trust her anyway. If she thinks too she can change that brat's nature , then I won't stop her from trying. Do you want a tarot reading to see how it will turn out?", "Absolutely not! And then some time ago you told me that in my future I would get what I wanted!", "I read the cards to you, but the last one didn't say when it would happen. That you have to find out for yourself. When you get what you want, you will know", "I've waited too long! What else has yet to happen?", "You will have to find out for yourself, dear captain". James lit two cigars and put them in his mouthpiece. Shortly thereafter, Facilier continued: "You know? It's not easy for me to say, but I think this time your son is doing a right thing, for once", "What do you mean?", "Saving that fairy, now she will follow him everywhere. For all life. I observed her well when you captured her. Even when Charlie was taking her to his room. Having saved her life, a pure feeling in her was born for him. The fact that Charlie wants to use her for her fairy dust is a great idea. You can fly the whole ship wherever you want", "As I used to do", "Exactly. Your son really had a great idea this time. He knows how to use his head well when he wants", "My son is not stupid, it's just that he still lets himself be fooled by his own emotions! He has made mistakes, but he is doing everything to improve himself and make up for it!", "Certain things cannot be remedied, never!", "Not for what he did to your daughter, but at least he didn't bother her anymore, and neither did Sasha! He knows very well that he was wrong and is more careful in what he does!", "I understand. Now I'm going to see how our granddaughter is doing. Let me know when we leave. I miss my new home", "Go ahead. Around noon I will have the crew gather and we will set sail", "Very well, see you later. And by the way: my Friends on the Other Side have greatly appreciated the souls of the Lost Boys", "I'm happy to have done you a favor, then". After Facilier left, James reflected about their chat. The sorcerer claimed that keeping that fairy with them was a great advantage and there wasn't even the danger that she would try tricks. She really wanted to thank Charlie and had even grown fond of him. He went out to find his son. Charlie was still on the ship's edge looking out to sea, sighing. James stepped next to him. "Hi, son", he said, "Are you all right?", "Hi, father. Yes, everything is fine", "I don't think so. Is something troubling you?", "I'm just a little shaken after everything that's happened, that's all", "You're not the only one, my boy. Can I talk to you for a moment?", "Father, as regards that fairy, I...", "Don't worry. I thought about it well, in fact you weren't wrong to save her. Nothing bad happened in the end. She came here to thank you and it seems that she wants to be your friend", "Friend? Does that fairy want to be my friend?", "Yes. Take advantage of this and she will give you what you want, which is the fairy dust when we need it. I have to admit, you had a great idea before", "Really?", "Certain. I'm sorry I got mad at you, but now I understand that you did a great job. I'm proud of you, Charlie. One day you will be a great captain, just like me". After this sentence, Charlie hugged him. "Thank you, father", "No problem. Remember, however, never to stop commit yourself ", "I will, I promise you", "Good boy. Come on, come with me. I'll immediately teach you to learn the language of the fairies. It will be very useful to you, just as it was with me. Take that fairy and come to my cabin", "Yes, father". Charlie went to his room to get the lantern with the fairy. The creature, as she saw him coming, she fluttered happily. "Calm down, calm down", Charlie told her, "Now my father will teach me to understand your language so we can communicate". The fairy, for a few seconds, sulked. She couldn't stand the idea of having to see Captain Hook again, but she liked Charlie and couldn't wait for him to understand her when she talked to him. He carried the lantern into his father's cabin and placed it on the table. Then he sat down opposite him. "Well", said James, "Let's get started". Charlie was very good and learned fast, but understanding her ringing was really difficult. In an hour he was able to understand only a few words of the fairy. "That's okay for today", said the captain, "The lady here cooperated and you did well. Now take her back to your room and gather the crew. Let's sail to Paradise Island!", "Yes, father". Charlie took the lantern away and gathered all the pirates on deck. "Drop the moorings, mangy dogs!", James shouted, "Raise anchor! Route to Paradise Island!". The men obeyed. The crocodile also followed the ship. After killing the octopus, it had swum around the Jolly Roger all night awaiting new orders. While they were sailing, Facilier took Charlie aside and said: "How is learning the fairies' language going?". Charlie, surprised, replied: "For now I still have a lot to learn". The sorcerer put a hand on his shoulder and continued: "I convinced your father that your idea of keeping the fairy is wonderful", "Really?", "Sure, boy. Consider it an early gift for your birthday". After this, Charlie remembered that he was having a birthday in a few days. It had been a while since he had celebrated, maybe that day with his family he would have recovered a little from the last bad experiences. "Then thank you", he said. "Wait to thank me", Facilier replied, "Don't forget your debt at the end of the month", "No problem. I will pay it, as always", "Good. Now, if you want to excuse me, I have to talk to my daughter". Before Facilier left, Charlie stopped him. "Wait", he said to him, "Why did you do me this favor?", "I told you, it's your birthday present from me. Don't abuse your father's trust and always uses your head, please". That said, the sorcerer headed for Celia. Charlie couldn't believe it. After what he had done to his daughter, how could he be on his side? 'Knowing him, he will surely have an ulterior motive', he thought. He went back to his room to see how the fairy was doing. As soon as she saw him enter, she ringing. Whenever she saw him, she was always very happy. Charlie sat down across from her. "Listen", he told her, "I still don't understand your language, so we'll have to do as before. I ask a question and you nod or shake your head, okay?". The fairy nodded. Charlie continued: "I'd like to know your name. You have a name, right?". The fairy shook her head. "What? The one that followed Peter Pan was called Tinker Bell. Why don't you have a name? In short, hasn't anyone ever given it to you?". The fairy shook her head again, saddened. "I'm sorry. I'll soon understand your language and you'll explain me well. Looks like you've been through a lot so far. In any case, I'm glad I saved you. You look a good fairy". After this sentence, the fairy smiled at him, then put her hands together and formed a heart. Charlie, smiling too, put his index finger on the glass of the lantern. She touched where he had rested his finger, watching him with her silver eyes. "You are so sweet", Charlie told her. The fairy rang again, dancing happily inside the lantern. She smoothed her long silver hair with her hands, as if she wanted to make herself beautiful for him. Then, at a certain point, she stopped. She rubbed her belly with one hand, while with the other she pointed to her mouth. "Oh, are you hungry?", Charlie asked. The fairy nodded. He, however, didn't know what the fairies ate. "Can I bring you a cup of tea with biscuits?", he asked her. The fairy nodded again. He hoped she would like them, not knowing what else to bring her. "Wait for me here, I'll be right back", he said, exiting his room.

Captain Hook and Facilier: Piracy and Voodoo (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now