Where He Had Gone To

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After some days away from that incident, Duck-young suddenly went missing. No one was able to contact him or get any information about him; they tried to call him, to visit his house, but no one ever gets any sort of info.

It's almost as if the boy just vanished from the country...

Many were worried, but strangely enough, Kyun wasn't worried at all. This fact alone made anyone who heard it in disbelief, they could swear the two boys were inseparable. But this is how he acts now that Duck-young is missing?

However, the reason was really simple. Duck-young never stopped contacting Kyun, in fact, he kept reassuring him through phone calls that he just didn't want to meet anyone. Which Kyun was very understanding about.

Kyun was able to believe that Duck-young was okay due to how Duck-young was able to fulfill his calls at random times to the park.


Kyun eventually was awoken by Duck-young's insistent knocking, though it took him a while, and groggily opened the door. He smiled when he saw Duck-young and tried wiping some of the sleep from his eyes. "Morning, Duck-young!"

Duck-young cut right to the chase. "I need you to hide me Kyun."

"Eh? Hide you? Are you playing a game with someone?" Kyun tilted his head curiously despite letting the smaller boy into his place even before he got his answers.

"No, it isn't a game... I will explain things to you." Still looking confused, Kyun closed the door with a little yawn as it was Sunday morning and he wasn't used to waking up at this hour.

"Well... I suppose you want to know why I'm here. I–"

It had been a long time since Kyun had seen Duck-young in such a poor state. And he knew that his friend didn't like to look sloppy by choice.

Humming thoughtfully for a second, Kyun interrupted him, "Duck-young-ah, sorry for stopping you, you can tell me right now if you want, but, um... would you like to rest up for a bit? And maybe eat? I have Tteokbokki and Kimchi, or I can cook your favorite?"

Kyun can't stand seeing any of his friends be this haggard after all, and knowing that it's Duck-young, his crush, more than anyone else, it worried him to the core witnessing the other be in this state.

On the other hand, the offer took Duck-young by surprise. "Oh...Well..." Humming as if thinking it a couple of times, soon enough, finding no fault in accepting the kind gesture, he nodded. "I suppose it would be nice."

Giving him another smile, Kyun nodded as well, "Alright. If you want, you can use the shower while waiting for breakfast. I kept your toiletries from the last sleepover in the cabinet– or if you want to use the new one, you know where it is right?"

Holding back the urge to ruffle that messy brown lock, Kyun merely spares his jovial grin to comfort the other.

Feeling slightly awkward, Duck-young went to Kyun's bathroom. Though this wouldn't be his first time taking a shower in his house, given that he had visited before for their study sessions. Bathing in others' homes has always felt strange for Duck-young.

That being said, he wasn't less than grateful as the hot water started pouring over him. It washed away some of the stress along with the grime. His mind felt clearer once he stepped out of the shower, more focused than before.

Once he was done bathing, he was then greeted by a pair of PJs. A new one it seemed, and—

'It fits?'

Usually, when he borrowed Kyun's clothes, they always draped over his skin and bones for a body.

And while he doesn't mind that as long as it was someone familiar such as his own big brother or Kyun, he prefers wearing something fit, or at least not a couple of numbers off his size.

Feeling a great deal better now that he has cleaned himself, he went looking for Kyun. The smell of food being cooked reminded him how hungry he was.

The black-haired Jock hummed as he cooked, sometimes interjecting a single word or so. Kyun still hadn't bothered putting on more than his bedclothes which consisted of an oversized white shirt. He looked up when Duck-young entered.

"Go ahead and sit, this should be done soon!"

Duck-young took a seat and Kyun preoccupied him with some mindless chatter. It was a comfortable, normal state for them to be in and he further relaxed. He was really grateful for Kyun's presence.

When the meal was done Kyun served Duck-young and then himself, and soon enough, the taller male finds it rather difficult not to smile when the smaller boy occasionally makes quiet noises of happiness while they ate in silence,

'I'm glad.'

It's genuinely relieving for the athlete to see the brunet gradually recollect his peace.

"Thank you."

Mumbling his gratitude, Duck-young smiled a bit as he pushed his plate away despite it wasn't all the way finished.

Nodding in understanding, Kyun nudged his feet and smiled against his fork. "No problem~! Do you want to tell me what's wrong now? I promise I will do my very best to help you! But if it's too hard I might surrender."

Sighing a bit after being quiet for a moment later, Duck-young stared at his plate.

"I'm pretty much homeless now."

"Excuse me...?"

Wincing slightly at the questioning, somewhat disbelieving tone of voice, Duck-young looked up. Kyun was staring at him, head tilted to one side, a slightly confused look on his face. "What... uh, why? all of the sudden?"

Regretting that he had accidentally said that aloud, Kyun realized the severity of the situation now and put down his utensils to listen more closely.

"Well, not exactly homeless. But rather... I couldn't stay in that place anymore."

Duck-young never really mentioned to Kyun this particular problem he has at home, and honestly, he'd rather not if only he had other alternatives. But there's only so much that his brother can help him with, and lately, it's getting close to impossible to stay alive in that hell hole.

—Running away from almost being kidnapped numerous times and ending up trying to stay on the road, Duck-young realizes that he can't keep on going like this just because he said that his brother said that it's not safe at 'home'.

Before he knows it, his feet have led him here.

And this is the situation he must face if he wants to survive...

"My money is thinning... There's no such thing as relatives that I can rely on... Staying on the road is too hard... and I have no place nor a stable job..."

The more he talks the more his whole face turns red.

"I... have no one else to turn to."

Duck-young is mortified. He doesn't want to admit it with such desperation like this because it feels as if their friendship is nothing but him using Kyun– even though that is far from what the black-haired boy feels right now.

"I see."

That brunet froze on his spot despite what the other said shouldn't cause him this much panic. The words were more understanding than what he ever imagined.

A reassuring grin crept to Kyun's face as he patted his shoulder, before then embracing him gently.

"You can rely on me. I would help you, I'm living alone so living with me isn't really a problem."

Duck-young eyes watered slightly as he returned the hug, relief evident in each movement he made, he did his best to stop himself from crying.

Yes, he knows Kyun would help him. He was aware. But when it comes to the real thing, he feared disappointment and abandonment. Kyun would never know how much this meant for him.

"Thank you..."

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