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"Steve?" Eleven said as she knocked on steves door,"yea?"steve yelled slightly from inside "can you drive me to my friends place?" Jane questioned,steve opened the door,his hair was messy and he was wearing a grey jumper,jeans and sneakers.

"Where and when?" Steve said through an sigh,leaning on the door frame,eleven lit up "7:00"  eleven said with a grin on her face,"ok" steve replied,eleven hugged steve,"thanks!"she said,then ran off to find an outfit.


Steve and jane were now infront of the maygrove house,"this it?" Steve asked,"yep!" Eleven said while getting out the car,steve did the same.the brunettes went up to the house and jane knocked on the door,a few seconds later there stood a female redhead with blue eyes and freckles, infront of them "hey,el!" Said the redhead,before jane could even reply someone yelled from inside,"who is it?!" The person who said had an male voice,"none of your business!" Max yelled back,"no,max it is my business,you are my responsibility weither both of us likes it or not,now,shitbird,who's at the goddamn door!" The male scolded the redhead,the male voice walked (more of stomped) to the door,reavealing a handsome curly haired blonde with crazy blue eyes,wearing a White tee,jeans and combat boots with a neckalce.

"Who is this idiot?" The male asked,"dont call her that." Said steve firmly,the blonde then looked at the brunette,only now noticing his precence.

Billys pov-

I looked up from the girl infront of my door to see a guy with brown puffy hair and pale white skin with moles scattered across his face,I'm not gay but uh damn was this guy cute.

"Or what?" I asked,the guy sighed,"look,dude,i dont wanna start off on the wrong foot so just dont call my sister that,ok?"the guy asked,"fine,but can i atleast know your names and why your infront of my house?" I asked while raising an eyebrow,i couldnt care less of who they were but neil would hand me my as if i let strangers in the house.

The guys frown turned into an smile,and for some reason that made me feel butterflies in my stomach,'the fuck?' I thought,theres no way i like this guy i just met him! Plus im not gay,but his smile was really cute and so were his dimples...ok what the fuck me stop thinking this shit,im not gay.

"Im steve and this is el or jane" steve said,looking at el then back at me "sorry for baring in" steve said with a nervous chuckle almost an embaressed one even,"its..fine i guess" i reply "right!" Steve said before clapping his hands once and looking at jane or el or whatever the fuck is her name,"is it okay if el and max have a little hanout session?" Steve said looking back at me,"i wouldnt normally asked but shes been buging me for days now,and i have to do something urgently and our dads at work so," steve rambled,im starting to think that rambling is a bad habit of his,"sure" i simply said.

Steve gave me a smile then whispered something in janes ear,jane nodded "ill be here to pick her up at ten on the dot" steve said to me before running out the door,"el! Com on,lets go to my room" max said to jane before running off to her room with her.

After a few minutes i went to my room and sat on my bed,thinking about steve and his fuckin big doe eyes and cute smile,his lanky slender fingers the way his hair moved cause of the wind,his pink lips that look soft..

I wonder what he tastes like...

Ok ok ok ok,no billy thats enough,this is weird,really weird,you cant be thinking this,but i cant help it,ok no,why am i feeling giddy about this guy?hes just a guy.nothing more.i mean if he were a girl itd be okay.right?

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