MLB: Genderbend Adrienette

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Requested by fanofeverything25 to make a short story for this:


It was another night in Paris, an akumatized person attacking and Chat Noir and Ladybug defending Paris in all its glory.

"I have to hurry! Alya thinks I went out to buy food!" Ladybug tells herself.

"Ughh why did Nino have to come tonight? My excuse of going to buy something at the convenience store is so lame!" Chat Noir says with a whimper to himself.

"Hey bugaboo, what do you think the villain's power is, this time?" Chat Noir asked her, "bugaboo?"

Ladybug was staring at the villain, mesmerized in some kind of control.

"Ladybug!" Chat Noir shouted, distracting her from the villain.

Shouting that, acquired the attention of the villain.

"Chat Noir! Do you see that couple over there?" Ladybug asked, pointing to a girl with blue hair and a boy with yellow hair.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"A few minutes ago, that was a boy with blue hair and a girl with yellow! I think the villain's power is to change the gender of a person!"

Suddenly, the akumatized person turned to them and shot a blast of red laser towards them.

"Dodge!" Ladybug jumped up, and Chat Noir did a flip.

Something then hit both Ladybug and Chat Noir, and everything turned black.

A few minutes later, a man in a ladybug suit, sat up, "Chat Noir?" He shouted, his voice really deep.

"W-what happened to my voice?" He exclaimed, then dashing to a nearby mirror shop nearby.

Ladybug became Man-bug. "AHHHHH!!!" He shouted.

"What happened to Chat Noir?" He screamed in his mind.

"Chat Noir?"

"Bugaboo? What's wrong?" A squeaky high voice asked.

Man-bug turned to his right and saw a woman with long yellow hair in Chat Noir's suit.



Here's the summary of how they got switched hehe if you want a part 2 u can request, anyways here's the drawing

Here's the summary of how they got switched hehe if you want a part 2 u can request, anyways here's the drawing

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