Amazing idea

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Hello! Im just getting to this idea

"Hannn!" leia yelled running into han and landos quarters

"What?" han groaned he was trying to sleep but between lando and his stress of where luke was he couldn't

"We tracked lukes comlink (they didnt take it BTW) and its on the death star"leia smiled at han

"CAN WE GO?!?" han yelled

"You wanna? Go? TO THE FUCKING DEATHSTAR?!?" lando and leia yelled shocked

"If they have my boyfriend then yes. Yes i do" han growled

"Fine whatever" leia sighed

"BOYFRIEND?!? I WASN'T INFORMED!" lando yelled running towards them as they got in the falcon

"Leia you be my co pilot considering chewie isnt here lando you just.. Erm.. Stay here i guess" han said calmly as leia sat down as they left the hanger entering hyperspace

"Woah woah isnt this a risky move considering we have the falcon!" lando yelled

"Mhm." han answered

"Then why are we doing it-" lando asked

"BITCH IF YOU DON-" Han yelled

"Sorry not sorry." lando giggled as leia started WHEEZING at the argument

" i will shoot off your god damn head" han growled

"IM SORRY!" lando yelled

As they made it to the death star they were investgated by 10 troopers and a general

"Nothing. Anyway sir didnt you say they died according to imperial records?" the general asked

"Indeed but i sense something" vaders mechanical voice was heard

"Yes sir sorry sir should we leave though incase they have more crew members they could have a jedi!" the general said as vader breathed heavily

"Alrighty keep the ship on lockdown general." vader growled as they got out and escaped and got to the prison cells.

As they got in the halls with the cells and opened the door luke was in he was passed out bruises everywhere saber marks aswell as han took the stormtrooper helmet off he walked in the cell and lifted luke

"Mphh" lukes voice groaned as his eyes opened to see han as he hugged him

"We need to escape before they know we have lu-" lando said but it was too late as the sounds of clanking boots was heard they saw.. Oh! Just a rebel spy

"Han?" the rebel said taking off the helmet

"We need to go now" han said putting cuffs on luke

"But han if we leave now wont vader be suspicious!" leia asked

"Id rather him be suspicious than kill luke!" han growled taking luke into a room close to the hanger and surprisingly the falcon wasnt guarded so they got in and left

Oh lord... This took FOREVER Help ive gone insane

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