Saving luke

22 1 7

"Boba! Pleaseee" han begged as boba thought

"Fine.. Whatever." he growled

"Ill pay 1000 credits. For the kid" han grinned pointing at the credit box as boba nodded

"Get the kid. And ill give you the credits" han said putting his hand out for boba to shake as boba shook his hand

**with luke**

Luke hopped over a branch and through bushes as he got into a corner... Uh oh dead end

"Ah.. Luke Skywalker... You wont and cant escape" the two generals grinned with about 20 troopers surrounding as... Boba fetts ship shot some of the troopers making the imperials flee

"i never thought I'd be happy to see that ship!" luke yelled

Boba used his jetpack to land

"You oka-" boba said but got cut off by the remaining troops and now-- OH MY LORD 20 more troopers?!?

"Alrighty, back to back we fight them off alrighty?" boba said calmly

"Mhm." luke agreed

More and more troops closed in as-- HAN! the falcon shot most of the troops leaving luke and boba to escape as boba got in his ship artoo landed lukes x wing next to the falcon

"Thanks. I couldnt have finished the mission without you guys" luke said

"No problem." boba smiled from under his mask... He kinda liked this rebellion stuff after all! (Miniature han...)

"Indeed if it wasn't for boba i wouldn't have been able to find you." han admitted

"Thank you Boba. And thank you han" luke smiled at both of them as luke kissed han he just hugged boba

"see you at base?" boba and han asked in sync

"Mhm!" luke smiled hopping in his x wing

**20 minutes later**

"We're at base i repeat we are at base!" luke yelled over the com making leia smile


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