ii. you're always welcome here

Start from the beginning

"You should just leave." Edward said, getting in Jacob's face. "Now." "She has a right to know." Jacob said. "She is the one the redhead wants." "Victoria?" Bella asked. "Alice's vision." No one said anything. "You lied to me. Both of you." Bella said. "Okay, we're gonna talk about this, but... You." She said, turning to face Jacob. Jacob rolled his eyes and turned away. He froze, looking off at something in the distance. Elizabeth turned to look at him. He was looking at Angela with the same look in his eyes that Embry held when he saw Elizabeth for the first time after he shifted.

Elizabeth realized what had happened. "You just imprinted on Angela!" She whispered. Jacob tore his eyes away from the human girl. He looked at Elizabeth with a look of amazement in his eyes. Within one minute, everything he had ever felt for Bella was gone out of the window. Elizabeth grabbed his hand. "Come on!" She said, dragging him over to Angela. "Jacob, I wasn't done talking to you." Bella called out but he ignored her. Elizabeth stopped him in front of Angela who looked up at him in wonder. "Jacob, this is Angela. Angela, this is Jacob." She introduced. "Hi." Angela said, awestruck. Jacob just stared. Angela turned to Elizabeth.

"Suddenly, I feel the need to break up with Eric." She said, giggling before running off. Presumably to break up with Eric. "Snap out of it, lover boy." Elizabeth said to Jacob as he watched Angela's retreating figure. Jacob shook his head, snapping himself out of his thoughts. "The pack wants to see you." He said, bringing Elizabeth over to his bike. He handed Elizabeth a helmet. "It's funny that you think I need that." She said, placing the helmet back onto his head.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Elizabeth asked as they approached Sam and Emily's house. Embry ran out of the house and wrapped Elizabeth in a hug. "You're back." He said once he pulled away. Quil, Paul, and Jared ran outside. "I guess you really are the vampire girl now." Quil said. Elizabeth giggled. "You still look the same." Jared pointed out. "I have the gift of humanity." Elizabeth revealed. "So, somebody better get me one of Emily's muffins asap." She said. Paul ran back into the house and came back with a muffin.

Elizabeth bit into it. "Honestly, human food tastes so much better now." She said. "Oh!" She shouted out before swallowing the food that was in her mouth. "I have news. Jacob imprinted." She said. "Thank God. Now we'll get a break from his obsessive inner monologue." Embry said. "'I wish Bella would call'." Paul mocked. "'I wish Bella wouldn't call'." Jared said. "'Maybe I should call Bella'." Embry added. "'Maybe I should call Bella and hang up'." Quil said and Elizabeth burst out laughing. "Alright, you can shut up now." Jacob said, growing embarrassed.

Leah Clearwater walked out of the house and glared at Elizabeth. "What are you doing here?" Leah asked in disgust. "Your kind is the reason my dad is dead." She said. "I'm really sorry about your dad, but the vampire who killed him is the reason I am what I am." Elizabeth said. Leah rolled her eyes before running off into the forest. "Oh, and here's a tip. Stop pushing your kid off on my mom!" She yelled before shifting and running away. "Elizabeth!" Emily called out as she ran out of the house. "I was wondering when we'd see your face around here again."

Emily hugged her, flinching a little bit at Elizabeth's cold temperature. "Sorry." The blonde vampire whispered as Emily quickly pulled away. "I just thought I wouldn't be allowed here anymore." Elizabeth said awkwardly. Sam shook his head. "You're always welcome here. You're Embry's imprint. You're a part of the pack. Vampire or not." He said. Elizabeth smiled at him. "Thank you." She said, feeling the acceptance and love from the pack. "Mama bear's back everybody!" Jared shouted out. Elizabeth laughed as the pack lead her into the house.



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"Hey, Embry." Elizabeth said as her and Angela walked over to him and Jacob at the bonfire. "Hey. Glad you could make it." Embry said as he hugged her. "Jacob, I hope you don't mind that I brought Angela." Elizabeth said, gesturing to the brunette on her right. Jacob shook his head. "Not- Not at all." He stuttered out. Elizabeth hummed. "You know what? I think you two should go for a walk." She said, pushing Angela towards Jacob. He held out his hand. Angela blushed and accepted.

"That's her?" Embry asked as him and Elizabeth started walking. "Yeah." Elizabeth said. She sighed, feeling eyes on her. "I don't think I should be here." She said. Embry shook his head. "You're my imprint. You have to be here." He said. Elizabeth looked around to see a lot of older folk staring at her. "I don't know. My kind isn't exactly liked around these parts. Everyone's staring." She whispered. "Let them. It's not like you can control what you are." Embry said. Elizabeth opened her mouth to respond but was cut off.

"Embry!" A teen boy yelled out, running up to him and Elizabeth. "It's about time you got here. Paul's been hovering the grub, but I saved you some burgers. I saved some for the vampire too. I've heard she can still eat." The boy said. "The vampire has a name." Elizabeth said. Embry laughed. "Elizabeth, this is Seth Clearwater, Leah's brother. Newest member of the pack." He introduced. "Newest. Bestest. Brightest." Seth said. "And slowest." Embry said, starting to play fight with the boy.

Billy whistled. "Come on. Jacob's dad is about to start." Seth said. Embry grabbed Elizabeth's hand, going to drag them over to the log seats, but Elizabeth sped them over. "Elizabeth." Sam scolded. "Sorry, still getting used to that." The vampire said sheepishly. Jacob and Angela walked over holding hands and sat down next to them. "The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning, but we have always had magic in our blood." Billy started.

"We were great spirit warriors, shapeshifters that transformed to the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe. One day, our warriors came across a creature. It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone and cold as ice." Elizabeth felt her heartbeat quicken. "Our warriors' sharp teeth finally tore it apart, but only fire could completely destroy it. They lived in fear that the cold man was not alone." Billy continued. "And they were right. She took her vengeance out on the village." Elizabeth looked down, feeling eyes burning into her.

"Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. Taha Aki's third wife could see that he would lose. The third wife was no magical being, no special powers but one... Courage." Billy said. "The third wife's sacrifice distracted the cold woman long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains, the cold ones." Billy stared at Elizabeth.

"Our magic awakens when they're near, and we sense it now. We feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming, and we must all be ready, all of us." Elizabeth got up, not wanting to hear anything else. The stares and the looks just got to be too much. Embry chased after her as she walked away. "Elizabeth, where are you going?" He asked. "Why'd you bring me here?" She asked. "I wanted you to hear our history." Embry said. "Your history. Not mine. I'd rather not hear a story that paints my kind as the villain. Did you see how everyone was looking at me?" Elizabeth said. "I-" "Nevermind. I need to hunt." Elizabeth said, running off into the woods.

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