Kep1er Mashiro - Refresher

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It was a hot summer day. The sun was scorching hot, and no amount of electric fans can help you beat the heat. Desperate to find something cold, you opened the freezer just to feel the chilly air coming from it onto your face, but inside you saw one frozen popsicle. You immediately grabbed the popsicle and opened it.

The popsicle was lemon-flavored—your favorite. You did not hesitate to consume your newly found treat. With something cool you off, you decided to relax in the living room.

"Oppa, is that my popsicle?" Mashiro asked. You were left stunned as you didn't even think that it could have belonged to someone else. She stared at you anticipating your answer, but her eyes told you that she really wanted that ice cream.

"Uh, I found it in the freezer, heh." You were flustered. "Sorry, I didn't think it was yours."

"It's ok," she sulked. "It's really hot anyways. I understand." She turned her attention back to the show she was watching before you entered.

Embarrassed, you left the scene immediately and rushed to your room. I want to make up for this, but how? You thought as you licked your popsicle, but the answer was right there all along. I should buy her a new one.

You grabbed your wallet and headed to the nearest convenience store. You grabbed two of the exact same popsicles you just had. You ran as quickly as possible before the popsicles started melting.

"Shiro-ya, here." You gave her the popsicles. "I got you two. One for the one I ate and another because I'm sorry." She seemed oddly surprised.

"Oh no, oppa. I'm sorry." She flustered. "I forgot I bought that for you. Xiaoting treated me to one earlier so I bought your favorite for you. It just slipped my mind." You were left speechless once more. All that worrying for nothing.

"Here." With the cute smile she has always had, she handed you one. "Let's have one together."

You gladly accepted. You sat next to her enjoying your popsicles on this refreshing summer day.

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