Another Reunion

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The next morning Jill woke early. She was eager to do the test. If she was still negative this morning they could be back together by dinnertime. She was slightly apprehensive though, what if it was positive again. Only one way to find out, she thought, leaving her bed and preparing the testing kit. Joe's idea yesterday had been a great one. She would ring Jamie and he'd bring everything she had asked for. She would make a beautiful lunch for all of the staff who had been so kind and helpful over the past week. Thinking of Jamie made her realize just how much she was going to miss him. He had become a feature of her days, arriving every single day with another gift from Joe, another surprise. His enthusiasm bubbling over and his slightly goofy way of carrying on was all so genuine, so endearing.

It was a beautiful morning and she could see the sea from where she lay. She smiled dreamily, thinking back to the lazy lie-ins she had enjoyed with Joe a week ago. She burrowed further under the covers as her body responded to the thought of seeing him again. That it could be so soon. She was tentative about doing the test this morning. A negative today meant that she could be back with Joe by evening. Another positive would test her resolve to the limits. She was heartily sick and tired of Covid and their separations.

She tentatively checked her watch, 15 minutes; it was time to check. She took a deep breath. And beamed. She reached for her phone and rang Joe. 'Hey baby', he said softly. 'How ya doin? Did you sleep ok baby', he asked, his voice low, sexy. She could feel her breath catch at the sound, the familiarity filling her senses, the fact that they could be together again this evening filling her body with light and happiness. 'I did Joe, I slept really well honey but you know what?', she asked, her tone playful. 'What babe?' 'I'll sleep even better tonight when I'm back in our bed with your arms around me', she said seductively, playfully. She smiled at the pause on the other end of the line. 'You mean ... did you ... did you do the test?' he asked, urgency seeping into his tone. 'It's negative Joe', she said smiling as she heard the gulp at the other end of the line as Joe tried to keep his composure. 'Jilly I ... baby, we can be together today? You're serious?' he asked, his heart couldn't take any ambiguity. 'I'm serious honey, I can leave here today and be back in Washington ... ' 'Aww crap', Joe interjected. Jill frowned then laughed, 'what? Are you shaving? Did you cut yourself?', she asked, teasing him. 'No, I just thought though, I'm traveling today, I'm going at lunchtime. I won't be back until late ...' She cut him off, 'I won't be ready to leave for a few hours anyway. Actually, I have a faculty meeting for school this afternoon', she said, her mind working over the possibilities. 'Why don't I do that from here and I have more preparation for school I can do too, then I can fly back and meet you later?' she asked. 'Yeah, that sounds good', Joe agreed, he exhaled noisily over the phone. 'I am so looking forward to seeing you baby, to holding you, I'm gonna be useless all day', he said with a laugh.

By 5.30pm Jill was almost ready to leave when she got a call; Jamie was on the doorstep. He had a small bouquet of flowers in one hand and something else in the other. 'Jamie!' She exclaimed, 'come in. I was hoping I'd get to say goodbye', she said, showing him to a seat in the kitchen. 'Joe told me what time you were leaving, so I brought these for you', he said holding out the bouquet. 'Jamie, thank you', Jill said, slipping from her seat to give him a hug. 'That was so kind of you', she said, her face lit with a beaming smile. 'I'm going to miss seeing you, thank you for everything that you've done for me', she said sincerely.

'You were talking to Joe?' 'Yeah, he rang, said you'd be leaving t this evening. Man he's excited to see you. I woulda been late for school he talked so long, but we all got a couple of hours off today 'cause the staff have a meeting about the loan thing'. 'Loan thing?' Jill prompted. 'Yeah, the loan forgiveness. I'm a man of means now', he said proudly, sticking his scrawny chest out. ' I still can't believe it! Yesterday I owed $20,000 but the president said it's ok, we don't gotta pay it back. Jill, how do you not know about this, don't you watch the news?' he chided. 'It's really important for people like me, it's gonna make a big difference. That president is a great man. He's doin a lot for families like mine. You really ought to look up all the things he's doin. Anyway, that's how I was able to get this', he said placing a small box on the countertop. 'I got some spare money now' he explained. 'It's for Joe. Can you give it to him please?', he asked earnestly.

46 tests positive Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora