Chapter 13: boys will be boys

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You saw that Barron and Hunter's fight was all over social media. You didn't know what to say. Were they really fighting over something this immature? You sent a message to Barron and Hunter asking if they were okay but no response. There phones probably got confiscated.

I can't believe I got into trouble over what this dummy. I was being harassed and he took it the wrong way.

How can he break Y/N's heart like that? At least I get to comfort her now.

My mother got a phone call from Mrs Trump and Mrs Biden. They wanted to meet with me at the white house and I would obviously be protected. Thanks to Maddie, the public thinks I'm a wh0re that sleeps around with political's sons/grandsons when that's not true at all. I got picked up in a limo and soon I was at the White House in the main room. Mrs Trump/Meliana was sitting on the couch and Mrs Biden/Hunter's mom was sitting next to her surprisingly.
Meliana: Y/N, you know about the fight that happened at my son's school right?

You: Yes I do. I didn't encourage them.

Mrs Biden: We know dear. But you need to make a choice. That choice will stop what's going on.

Meliana: be honest with your heart.

You: what is that choice ma'am?

Mrs Biden: You need to choose the boy you want to be with. My son or Mrs Trump's son?

You: Wait what-?

Meliana: What's it going to be Y/N.?
AUTHOR'S NOTE: hey everyone! This story is no longer on Hiatus I apologize for the long wait! And I apologize for such cringy chapters I promise to make this story be less cringy and I will write more in the future if you ask me too! Anyways here are some pictures of the beautiful boys as always

? ————————————————————AUTHOR'S NOTE: hey everyone! This story is no longer on Hiatus I apologize for the long wait! And I apologize for such cringy chapters I promise to make this story be less cringy and I will write more in the future if you ask...

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Thank you for all the love! I hope you have a good day/night! 💖🫶🏻

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Thank you for all the love! I hope you have a good day/night! 💖🫶🏻

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