Chapter 1

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It was a hot summer day. You were outside playing with the grass. Just then you get a text.
Robert: Hey, wanna come over?
You: Yeah, I'll be right there!
You blushed thinking about Robert. To him, you were just a best friend but the more you hung out with him, you started catching feelings. You remembered the day you met him. His grandpa moved into the White House.
Part of your family were Biden supporters so you went to the Ralley. You saw Joe Biden speaking on the microphone. All his grandkids were next to him. Most were girls. You were shocked to see a boy around your age standing next to Natalie Biden. "He looks cute" You thought. You used to be a huge fan of Barron Trump. You owned many fan pages and had many pictures of him. But you soon gave up on your dream of meeting him after he moved to Florida. After the Ralley, there was a party, your family wanted to go so you went. There you saw Robert by himself texting on a phone. You went up just to be nice. said
"Oh, hello!" He said in a nice tone.
I'm Y/N! You smiled taking out your hand.
"Robert Hunter Biden" He smiled shaking your hand.
And that's the day you and Robert became best friends.
Your mom drove you up to his house. She didn't say anything, she never really shipped you with him. You knocked on his door and he opened it with a friendly smile.
"Hey, Y/N!" He said
Hello, Robert! You said back.
"Come outside! I got so much fun things planned!" He said while grabbing your hand. Your face starting heating up like crazy.
"Um...are you okay?" He asked.
Yeah...just a little headache! You laughed.
"Oh, alright, do you want to play Mario kart?" He asked.
Yeah, I'm done for a game! You smiled.
After a few minutes of gaming, Natalie came to the living room.
"Hunter, did you see the news?" She said.
"No, why?" He said while drinking water.
"Donald Trump is coming back to Washington for a meeting with Grandpa and we're supposed to go!"
"Ugh, really? I don't like that Barron kid" Robert said folding his arms.
"I know but we have to be nice" Natalie smiled. "Says the girl who's shipped with him" He laughed.
"Quiet, Im WAYYY older than him and I don't really like him" Natalie laughed.
"Y/N, do you want to go to that meeting with us? Robert asked you.
Oh uh...sure! You said. You might be able to met Barron Trump! But your going to have to be around Robert.
"Ok, we'll text you the details once we get them" He smiled.
You then went back to gaming and after a while you headed home.
I had a fun day today and now I may be able to met Barron Trump! You thought in your mind. You soon got tired and went to sleep.
A/N (Author's Note)
Yes, The Biden's do play video games! I don't really know if Robert hates Barron because I don't know him but for the sake of they story, he does! To the Barron simps, don't worry, your chapter with the beautiful boy is coming up! There will be so Smut stuff in here because both Barron and Robert are minors and I don't want anyone getting uncomfortable with my story, But there will be kisses! That's it! I hope you all have a wonderful Afternoon/Morning/night!

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