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Roy Bryant and Jw Milam attended court everyday. They were playing with their little boys and laughing smoking cigars, they were laughing with their wives as they knew they weren't gonna be charged or punished for killing 14 year old Emmett till. The town of Mississippi looked as if Roy Bryant and Jw Milam were heroes and Emmett Till was the villain. But the widow of one of the Till murderers were knowing so much but a silent woman. In the court room, you can see Mrs Jw Milam didn't want to be there or acknowledge the courtroom, not even the sounds of laughter or chatter. About what happened, the town looked at Carolyn Bryant as the victim, and her husband as the hero, Roy Bryant and Jw Milam kidnapped 14 year old Emmett Till from his uncle Mose wright's home in 1955.
They brutally beaten him and tortured him you can see and hear the pain and hear the horrific screams he made as the two men beaten him so badly his face was almost unrecognizable.
A face that followed everyone for their eternity. Something that the world couldn't unsee or underestimate. I was 14, when Emmett Till's case followed me. The Trial, the face, the horrors, the crying noises, the screams, and hollows of the traumatic case. It followed me for so long, Emmett Till's name will never leave my head. It will follow me until I die. A nervous breakdown I've had when I've seen those horrific images at 14. Something that can't leave my head but brought me along with others in tears of fear and anger, and crossed eyes as to why the world is so cruel the way it is.
The widow of Emmett Till's killer, (Juanita Milam) born Mary Juanita Thompson she was the one who openly told reporters that she was never there when Carolyn and Till were alone. Thompson was a Silent Woman sad faced woman of a killer, in Mid June, I wrote a short story about Emmett Till, now I have wondered if I could write a longer story on the widow of his killer.

Juanita Milam was born in Greenville, Mississippi, she was the fifth of sixth children. A cold hearted town of racism in Mississippi. During the Jim Crow era, doing long hard research on Juanita Milam, and the case, was very interesting to me. Because Juanita Milam was really the key to know what really happened when Emmett Till and Carolyn had that altercation. And why Carolyn felt like a "victim" but the world knows Emmett Till is the real victim.

The widow of a murderer; the trial of Emmett Till Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora