New series, vlog 1

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Video begins with a new intro—photos of Amberlynn fly across the screen, coming in from all directions to eventually collectively form the letters ALR. The accompanying mid-tempo music sounds like this—doop doop-AH, doop doop-AH, whoop-whoop-AH,  whoop-whoop-AH, doop doop-AH, doop doop-AH, with the following lyrics sung by a falsetto—Hey Hey Girl, Hey Hey Girl, Lemme Kiss Ya, Hey Hey Girl, Hey Hey Girl...

Intro cross fades to a scene of Amberlynn Reid sitting on a sofa in the living room. "Hey guise." Her eyes shift from side to side. "Welcome to my new vlog series." Her eyes shift again. "I am actually going to be doing something different with my channel." Her hands cover her face and she slowly peeks an eye out from under her fingers. "I've decided to re-brand. And before you guise get all in my business and say Amberlynn you've said you've re-branded so many times and never actually re-branded. I disagree, because I've done hauls, I've done eat-with-me's, I've done try-ons—this is all different stuff. This time I really am doing something different." A coy smile flashes across her face. "So I have some big news! I'm super excited to let you guise know that Wifey and I will be moving! We just got the keys to our new ho-em." She pauses and glances off-screen—"Hey Baaaybeeeh, can you get the keys so I can show them?"

Cue arm passing keys to Amberlynn. Another coy smile as she accepts the keys. "Thank you Baaaybeeeh." A pair of car keys dangle from her index finger. "Wifey and I are going to be leaving Kentucky to live in a 2022 Sprinter van that has been converted by a professional. Oh my god you guise, it is so beautiful, like you'd never know it was a van."

Cue awkward and abrupt edit to a gigantic mountain of pillows, journals, and other miscellaneous items spilling out of Amberlynn's office. "We are downsizing right now, this is our GoodWill pile—and no, we will be donating during open hours—you guise gave us a lot of shit for the last time—they were actually just opening as we dropped the stuff off, okay? Chill."

Cue another awkward and abrupt edit to Amberlynn in her bathroom. "Oh my god you guise, my hair is a mess and I slept in my make up last night." She presses a lip gloss applicator to her lips and then smacks her lips before revealing the brand. "I love this brand, it smells like cotton candy, so good, highly recommend."

Cue scene of Amberlynn back in the living room. "So we're hoping to be travelling by October because that is when the lease for this place is done. In my next video, I'll show you guise my new ho-em."

Cue new outro scene—pink leopard print on a purple background with a white card on top that reads "Thanks for watching!"

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