Chapter 1

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The tap-tap-tap of Winter's stilettos echo around the empty hallways, the simmering rage she felt since late last night when the papers were delivered fueling her stride. She goes deep into the belly of the building, old tile and smell of cleaner from the night crew her only companions.

It's early. Way earlier than it should be, but she knows she won't be alone when she reaches her destination.

When she turns into the long corridor she knows so well, it's dark save for one lone light at the end. Her pace picks up and her blood boils as she approaches, the door wide open and soft keystrokes coming from inside.

Winter throws the file on the desk, nearly knocking over the mug of steaming coffee that sits next to the computer.

"What the hell is this?"

She doesn't look up, doesn't acknowledge anything amiss. Simply keeps typing, eyes on the screen. Face lit in soft lamplight.

"Good morning to you, too, Winter. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Cut the crap, Karina. What is this?"

Karina finally looks up, her hair down and relaxed over one shoulder. Not pulled back into the bun she usually wears in court. Her sleeves rolled up to her elbows, her face stoic and guarded as usual.

"It's a plea deal. I thought you'd be familiar with them, seeing as how you're a defense attorney."

" That's a plea deal? Ha, good one, Karina."

"That is what the DA and I felt was reasonable considering the charges." Karina doesn't look upset at the disruption to her morning. If anything, she looks bored.

"Oh fuck off, that's a shit deal and you know it." Winter huffs, her fingers tingling.

"Considering the charges, I would say it's quite fair."

"Fair? He's a first time offender, Karina. You want him to plead out for six years with no parole?"

"It's second degree arson, Winter."

"He's barely eighteen, Karina."

Karina's eyes flash with something then. She stands from her chair and hands the file back to Winter, a warning clear on her face. "I suppose you'll have to discuss this with your client. Take it or don't, he'll still see time." She shrugs and it pokes at Winter's pride.

"Is there something you're seeing that I'm not in the discovery you sent over? There's no clear evidence of his involvement."

Karina sighs and her eyes lift to the ceiling for just a brief second. "It's early, Winter. This isn't my only case. Could we perhaps discuss this at the scheduled hearing for today?"

Winter snatches the file back from Karina's hand. "Sure, Karina. We'll go with your schedule and your convenience like we always do. Maybe next time don't be such a coward and send over shit plea deals after nine at night." She spits her anger and again, Karina remains unfazed.

"I knew you'd still be at the office. Don't I get points for that? It was either late at night or right before the hearing. And I know how much you loved that last time. Take your pick, Kim."

Winter grumbles and shoves the file in her bag, "You're a real piece of work, you know that?"

She leaves before Karina can answer, taking the last word with her out the door. When she turns at the end of the corridor, she catches Karina taking a deep breath at her desk, running hands through her long wavy hair.

It flits inside of her, the feeling of landing a punch.


"Your Honor, how can I proceed if the defense insists on objecting to every question I have?"

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