Chapter 3: His Room, His Damn Rules! ❤️

Start from the beginning

I can't blame them either for not having the rooms ready because we came here unannounced and it's partially our fault for doing that or else the room arrangements would've been different. It's not that the room I was arranged to is horrible, it's the person I have to sleep with.

Want to know what's worst? The person I'm sleeping with just happens to be Lashven and I have to sleep with him for two weeks.

After hearing about it, I was repeatingly hitting my forehead on my knuckles. Why do I have the worst luck?

"Remind me again why must I sleep there while Viraj anna gets the one and only guest room in the house. I don't want to sleep there!", I whined. "I know! I can sleep with Kiara", I said and smiled at my brilliant idea.

"First of all, Viraj gets the guest room because he is older and you can't sleep with Kiara because she sleeps with her parents. Second of all, you can't sleep alone because you are afraid", my father explains. I opened my mouth you give another idea but I was quickly silenced by my mum.

"No, Radha. You can't sleep with Viraj. He's an adult and your elder brother. You are sleeping with Lashven and that's final. There's nothing wrong in sleeping with him because he's a good boy, right Lashven?". She turned her gaze to my cousin who is now nodding with a smile on his face.

Are you serious, amma?

I frowned, knowing my thoughts didn't matter to them. I pushed my chair to the back and stood up to leave.

"Where are you going? You didn't even touch your food?", my brother asks, worriedly.

"I uh...lost my appetite", I mumbled but it was clear enough for them to hear.

I walked to my room with quick steps. I was so close to shedding tears right there and then. Why am I like this? So weak and fragile. Why did I argue when nothing was going to change their mindsets?

I sighed at myself. When I am going to learn that I don't have a family that cares or loves me? I must've annoyed them...

After walking up a few staircases, I finally reached the room. I twisted the knob and went inside the room. I found my luggage laying on the floor. Our luggages were carried to the rooms with the help of three maids that works in this house.

Unlike my family who brought 4-6 luggages for themselves, I only brought one. I didn't have many things to bring anyway. Just a few decent clothes, two face wash, a toothbrush, a comb and a packet of rubber bands. I hated packing unnecessary things so, bringing one luggage is more than enough.

I approached my luggage and thought of arranging the stuff I brought to it's respective places. Just when I was about to press the passcode to open the luggage, I heard faint footsteps. I rolled my eyes.

"I know it's you, Lashven", I said loudly. "Leave me alone", I added.

"No, I'm not going to. Also, this is my room so, you can't shoo me away. I'm coming in!", he said and came in with a plate filled with food.

The food smells so good but I was not in the mood. I chose to ignore the delicious smell and continued to open up my luggage. I pressed the passcode and unzipped the luggage.

"Is it really that bad to sleep with me that you are willing to skip your dinner? Why are you so bothered by this?", he asks, confused.

Hmm...well, I'm not so sure. Maybe the fact that you are my long-term crush and I legit have to sleep with your dumbass!

"It's nothing", I mumbled and stacked my clothes according to the day I want to wear them. Lashven then grabbed my hand, causing the clothing tower to be unstabilized and collapse. I stared at the mess and turn to look at him.

"What was that for?", I frowned.

"Eat your food before it gets cold", he said, bringing the plate towards me. I pushed it away and shook my head.

"I told you I'm not hungry".

"And I don't take no for an answer. How about this? I will eat a few mouthfuls for you and feed you. If you don't accept this, then I have no choice but to make you sleep on the cold floor", he deadpanned.

How can he be so cruel?

"My room, my rules", he smirked.

I thought about it for a while and sighed when I just had to do as he said. Sleeping on the cold floor can cause me to have flue and fever. I hate getting sick.

"F-fine. I'm only accepting it because I don't want to get sick", I stuttered and crossed my arms.

He smiled and took the rice mixed with fish curry in his hand. He brought it closer to my mouth and I opened my mouth to receive it but he brought his hand back to himself.

What is he doing? I pouted out of annoyance.

"Come closer. You're sitting too far away from me", he told. "I'm afraid my hand will break from extending it", he said, pretending to feel pain on his hand. I rolled my eyes and giggled at him.

Instantly, I moved closer to him and opened my mouth again. He smiled and fed me without complaints. As promised, he also took a few mouthfuls. Soon, the plate was empty and I whispered thanks to him. He smiled at me then furrowed his eyebrows.

Did I say something wrong?

He brought his thumb closer to my lips and brushed it gently. His warmth gave me a tingling feeling and I closed my eyes to savor the moment. Once the feeling left me, I opened my eyes and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. I could hear my loud heartbeats and he's the reason for it. I've never been this close to him.

"W-what are you doing?", I manage to ask, despite the feeling of being hot and bothered again.

"There was curry in the side of your lips", he said then licked the same thumb he used to wipe my lips. I bite down on my lips nervously. I wonder if he knows that his simple actions are making me feel this way. If he does, I swear I will punch him!

"Delicious", he blurted out and my eyes widen at him. D-did he just---

"The curry made by the chef is delicious, don't you think?", he asked me.

I mentally slapped myself for thinking differently. Me and my dirty mind!

"O-of course! It was made by a professional chef after all", I commented.

Why did I thought he meant...ugh! No, bad Radha! No more dirty thoughts.

"I know. Alright, I'll give you time to arrange your stuff. Also, sleep early. You must be tired", he smiled at me one last time before leaving the room.

My finger unconsciously wandered to the side of my lips, where he had touched just a few moments ago. When I came back from my Dreamland, I immediately pulled my hand away.

What am I doing? Oh my god.

'Get a grip, Radha! He's your cousin!', I scolded myself.

If only we met under different circumstances.

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