Chapter 10:Halloween

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                                                                            -Around 2 months later-

  The days passed by quicker than I thought.Before I knew it, Halloween was just around the corner.With it, ended the repetitive cycle that I followed for the past month.Finish my daily commissions, have dinner(With a Liyue friend accompanying me every few days), go into my Serenitea Pot and take a shower, go to sleep in my room in my Serenitea Pot.The days seemed to get longer than they usually were.Plus, Xiao was busy again with the recent increase in monsters.If he did come into the Serenitea Pot to sleep in his room, he'd come back very late. However, he doesn't come back on most days...

  So, October rolled around and preparations for Halloween were going on at full force.Hutao has been really excited for Halloween.She has been helping with the Halloween preparations with much enthusiasm.Hutao has also been dragging me along to visit old graveyards lately too, so that she can interact with the ghosts there and play hide n seek.So I ended up playing hide n seek with Hutao in middle of the Forrest, near a graveyard, at night.I sometimes wonder if Hutao is sane.Apart from her dragging me to a graveyard to play hide n seek, she does help me complete my daily commissions as they are now mostly putting up halloween decorations.Her personality is quite likeable and I ended up getting fond of her and used to her presence.I found her ghosts quite cute, even though they sometimes fly out of walls suddenly and take me by surprise.

  One day, the day before Halloween, I was helping a stall owner carve Jack-o-lanterns.I then saw Xiao, Zhongli and Hutao walking past me.Hutao was walking beside Xiao, a bit too close.Hutao was talking to Xiao, a smile on her face.Xiao's face was red.An ugly feeling was churning in my stomach.Why was Xiao blushing?I glared at Hutao.I was angry at her. 'Why are you angry at your friend, Lumine?Your friends!How can you be angry with her when she's been so nice to you?' A voice in my head asked. 'Well...that's true but—She's with Xiao...'another voice in my head mutters. 'So?Xiao's just your friend right?What's so bad about your other friend talking to Xiao?' The voice whom spoke first asked.I bit my lip.That voice is right.Xiao is just my's fine if he ends up...liking Hutao.

  My face turns red rapidly and I shake my head.What was I thinking?!I sighed.What was wrong with me nowadays?

  "Lumine, what's wrong?"Paimon asks, "I was calling you but you didn't reply."

  "Oh!Nothing!Sorry Paimon."I apologised.

                                                                        ˜"*°•.˜"*°• · •°*"˜.•°*"˜

  Halloween rolled around.Ning Guang used a small amount of that fortune of hers to get us costumes.I got a witch costume.It consisted of a black bodysuit, a knee length skirt attached to the bodysuit, a cape, a hat and gloves.Paimon was dressed as a pumpkin, Ganyu was a goat, Keqing was a demon, Xiao was a cat in a suit, Ning Guang was a mummy, Xiangling was Guoba , Guoba was Xiangling, and Qiqi was...already perfectly dressed up as a zombie.So now we could go trick-or-treating before heading to Wangshu Inn for the Halloween party.Ning Guang still had work to do so she had to leave before we even started trick-or-treating.Hence, we walked left Ning Guang's mansion with pumpkin-shaped baskets to go treat-or-treating.

  "You guys all look so good!I'm so excited!"Hutao exclaimed.

  I shot her a dirty look before turning away to not look at her.

  "You look great tonight, Traveller!"Xiao said.

  "Yea!I agree!A witch costume perfectly suits you!"Xiangling says.

  "Thanks."I said through gritted teeth, making sure to look at Xiangling instead of Xiao.

  We went up to a house and knocked on the door.Hutao smiles at us and puts a finger to her lips. We get into our positions and when the door opened, we yelled, "Trick-or-Treat!!!" The woman actually yelled out before laughing and giving us candy.We went from house to house, scaring the citizens of Liyue and getting candy.Our baskets slowly filled up.Before I knew it, it was 8:55p.m and we had to go to Wangshu Inn for the party at 9p.m.Knowing that if we walked there we would be late, the others pleaded Xiao to teleport us to Wangshu Inn.Except me.I was still angry at Xiao for some reason.

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