|the day before| part10

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Time skip to Thursday 🤞

I wake up to my mom telling me to hurry up. I quickly get dressed and ran downstairs

(Without the pure because Yk you need a backpack)

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(Without the pure because Yk you need a backpack)

I eat breakfast an leave meeting up with Matty

"Good morning y/n you look really pretty" Matty says "Awh thanks Matty" I say blushing a bit. Me and Matty walk to school talking about the dance. "So do you have a date yet?" "No not yet.. I mean there is a boy but yk" "yeah well if he doesn't ask you can we maybe go together..?" He says looking at me "oh you wanna go to the dance with me.. uhm can I think on it?" "Yeah of course take your time" he says smiling at me

Me and Matty arrived at school to meet up with Avon Robin maybe Finney.. and that girl. "Hey Avon!" I run up to her and hug her "good morning y/n!" She hugs back. Robin just looked at Matty glaring at him me and Avon both noticed "well I've gotta get to class bye y/n" Matty says smiling "bye Matty!" Matty walks away "y/n why where you with Matty." Robin says "oh idk we met on Tuesday and started hanging out so-" "y/n. You know he used bully finn." "Oh I didn't know.." "yeah of course you didn't." Robin says walking away "god he's so moody this morning." Avon says "mhm.."

I get to class and sit by finn "hey finn" I say smiling at him "hey y/n." He looks away. Shit did Robin tell him.. I feel really bad. The hole class goes by not a word from Finney..

Time skip to lunch

I was walking into the cafeteria with Avon telling her about what happened with Finney. We walked into the cafeteria everyone cheering Finneys name "wonder what's going on" Avon asks and we walk over to what's happening. "Holy shit." "Y/n..." him and Ellie where kissing. I ran out of the cafeteria.

Finneys pov

I see y/n run out of the cafeteria shit did I go to far."FINNEY WHAT THE FUCK" I hear Avon yell "I-" Avon walks over to me and pushes Ellie of of me and slaps me "no what the fuck is wrong with you Finney!" "I'm sorry I did-" "no yes you did y/n really liked you I honestly can't believe you!" She says walking away Robin catching up to her.

Y/n's pov

I run into the girls bathroom and start crying "why was he kissing another's girl and why did it have to be Finney.." I say crying harder. A girl with black hair walks in "oh my are you alright" she gets closer to me "Yeah I'm fine" she hugs me then wipe my tears away "I heard you talking about Finney yeah? You shouldn't be crying over a boy he doesn't deserve you" " thank you so much" I hug her "by the way my names Donna yours?" "Oh I'm y/n" "y/n is such a pretty name" "thank you Donna is a very pretty name to" "thank you". Me and Donna talk for a little while before the bell rings for class.

I get to my next class and sit by Avon "y/n I'm so sorry he did that!" She hugs me "it's fine don't worry about it" I say hugging her back.

Time skip to after school

Me and my sister go home and I tell her what happened today "Awh I'm sorry y/n boys are such jerks it only gets worse by the age to.." "it's fine liv"

We get home "sorry to leave you home alone but I'm going out tonight.well right now" "yeah it's fine just be safe"
Olivia leaves and I sit on the couch watching romance movies. 2 minutes later I hear a knock on the door I get up to answer it. And of course it was
Finney. " what are you doing here." I ask him "y/n can we talk..?" "There's nothing to talk about." I look away from him holding in tears "yes there is y/n please just let me explain" I lean against the door way and look at him"fine. Explain yourself."I honestly never wanted to hurt you and Ellie was the one who asked me to be friends and hold her an- and do all that couple shit with her then you where hanging out with Matty and I got so jealous so I kissed her I know I wasn't thinking but I'm so sorry y/n I love you and only you." He says "finn I.." "please forgive me.." I hug him " I love you to Finney"

I invited Finney in and we cuddle together and watch a movie

I invited Finney in and we cuddle together and watch a movie

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(How you guys whereee)

"So does this mean you'll be my girlfriend.?" He asks "yes of course silly" I say kissing his cheek. We finished the movie "sorry y/n but I've got to go my dads out of town and I can't leave Gwen home alone" "alright please walk home safe and tell Gwen I said hi" "okay bye y/n" "bye finn".

Finn leaves and I go upstairs and lay down on my bed I was honestly really tired today was a veryy long day I started talking about just..everything and fall asleep.


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