|we are getting ice cream!| part5

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Time Skip to detention

"This is so dumb" I say "it really is we shouldn't even be in detention" "hey no talking you too.this is detention I'm going to finish off where you guys left off". She starts talking about the lesson then Finney looked at me and I looked at him he started smiling. He's smile was so cute.

After detentionn

You and Finney walk out to see Robin Avon and Gwen waiting for you and Finney "you both are so dumb" Robin says "it's not my fault it was Finneys fault" "ooo so this is the y/n I've been hearing aboutt" Gwen says "Gwen shut up." Finney shoving her a bit "ow" "uhm anyways let's go get ice cream!"

We start walking to the ice cream shop "soo you guys going to the dance??" Avon says "I'm not completely sure if I wanna go or not" Robin says "there's a dance?" I say "yeah it's in 2 weeks you better be coming" Avon says "you guys are lucky I can't even go" Gwen says "it's okay Gwen we'll sneak you in" I say jokingly. We get out ice cream and walk to the park near by.

"The next time we hang out try not to get detention" Avon says "honestly we should've just left you guys" Robin says "you only had to wait an hour don't be such baby's" Finney says laughing "yeah it's still only 6 we have 2 hours left" I say "whatever" Avon and Robin say rolling there eyes. We talk for the next couple hours about random stuff "shit it's 7:45 I told my sister I'd be home by 8 I gotta go" I say "alright I'll walk with you because we live really close"

Me and Avon are almost home "I'm happy we finally have someone in our group that lives close to me so I don't have to walk alone anymore" "they made you walk home alone?!" "No robin walked me home" "ooo robinnn~" "oh shut up y/n we all know you like Finney" " I so don't like Finney "I say rolling my eyes "yeah yeah sure but if you do you know" "yeah I know and if you like Robin you can tell me, we'll you better tell me" "ok ok fine I've liked Robin for a while now" "HA I knew it" "ugh whatever y/n but I'll see you at school tomorrow!" "Ok bye Avon!" I walked inside of my housee

"Liv I'm home!" "Alright I'm in my room if you need anything!" I sit on the couch and start watching a movie "hey did you eat anything?" "No not yet why" "do you wanna get pizza?" "Sure I guess" Olivia ordered pizza it got here an hour later "that took forever wanna watch a movie while we eat?" "sure" we watch some random romance movies Olivia picked out "soo are you going to that dance?" "I mean maybe idk Avon wants me to go but" "you should maybe Finney will ask you to go with him" "Finney HEY WAIT" "words going around you like him" "huh wdym?!" "Kidding kidding I read your diary earlier" "oh- YOU WHAT?!" "Sorry it looked to hood not to read" "you better not tell anyone" "my lips are sealed".

We finish the movie and start getting ready for bed.

"I kinda hope he does ask me to the dance."

Hehehe the end I'm making another part tonight because it's only  10 😁

Finney Blake x Y/n |The new girl|Where stories live. Discover now