/ 𝘔𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵/

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it's kinda angst, the whole chapter is a mess💀
(they are both 16)


if you knew the vance and bruce couple, you'd think of them as the sunshine and rainstorm duo.

but it was quite the opposite now.

vance had opened up a little more, smiling almost all the time and not picking fights for weeks. even vance himself didn't know what happened, his life just became way better. ever since bruce came in it.

bruce, however, was now always moody and never the ball of sunshine his parents or friends knew him as. he had forever been so optimistic and happy. he just didn't understand what happened to him. all he did these days was go to school, just do his work, go to baseball, then repeat. he felt like he was stuck in a never ending cycle for eternity.

the couple often found themselves in arguments, and most of the time bruce starts them. this time it was over bruce himself.

"i don't understand bruce. why haven't you been happy recently? i do fucking everything's i can in life for you!" vance raised his voice an octave louder than before, anger bubbling up inside him like a volcano. bruce's pissy attitude was about to piss him off.

"i don't see why you would care vance, your life is perfect fucking dandy. just leave me the hell alone i told you to leave already." bruce's words were like venom to vance's hurting heart.

the tallers eyes started to become glassy as he finally cracked.

"yamada i don't know what's fucking going on with you! you used to be so lovable, sweet, and adorable. you were the reason i gave love a chance and stayed out of trouble! IT WAS ALL FOR YOU!!" he raised his voice higher at the younger.

they were glad bruce's parents weren't home so they could scream at each other all they wanted now. no hiding behind walls now.


vance stepped back in pure shock. bruce NEVER yelled, even when he really needed to. this was the first time he had ever seen bruce so threatening and angry. it hurt him to the core and he said something he never should have.

"i can't believe i loved a bitch like you."

bruce's angry eyes turned to pure sadness quicker than a bipolar. his body started to shake, tears finally escaping the corners of his burned out eyes.

vance noticed the change and quickly realized the words he unintentionally said.opening his mouth to talk, he could only be speechless.

"i fucking hate you vance hopper. i tried to push these emotions away thinking i was overreacting and it was only a phase. i can't hold onto them anymore. i feel so fucking tired i feel like no one's there for me and i feel so alone. i don't know what to do and i try talking to you but i don't want to end your fucking happy life you have right now. you really wanna know why i'm being a selfish bitch? there you fucking go."

bruce didn't even wait for vance's response, dashing into his bathroom and locking the door. he tried to ignore the loud banging of vance's fists as he desperately called out for bruce to open the door. sliding down to the floor, he cupped his hands in his face in a fetal position.

eventually going numb, his ears started to ring and all he could hear was faint sounds. 'am i dying?' he thought. no, he was a perfectly healthy teen and he didn't do any drugs, only on occasion when he was really stressed.

soon enough, he fell asleep on the tile floor, shivering and tear stained cheeks. only when he was asleep did blood start to trickle out of his nose.


vance paced the hallways, trying to break through his door for a few hours was not getting him anywhere. he had to think of something else.

he wanted to apologize so badly, to take back all he said and thought. vance wanted to tell him face to face, just them looking at each other.

bruce wasn't a bitch, he was a beautiful, amazing person with such a pure soul. maybe the reason he didn't talk about his problems lately is of his communication issues. bruce developed a hard time expressing big emotions he felt.

sliding down the outside of the bathroom door, vance put his hands on his knees and went to sleep.


bruce woke up to the sound of a window being opened. opening his eyes fast, chest moving 90 miles a minute he analyzed his surrounds. his eyes were clouded, making every object seem like a blurry object.

except for one object, well, vance. he had woken up earlier and spent all early morning trying to get to his window and open it to get in  the bathroom.

before bruce could unlock and run out of the room, he was caged into the door by two strong arms. "what do you want?" bruce's voice seeped with sour attitude. vance looked up at the boy with bloodshot red eyes and heavy black bags under them.

"please baby..... i'm so sorry about what i said and how i acted. if i could go back in time and change what i said i would. i had no idea you were going through all of that alone. please, if you can, talk to me." pulling bruce into a crushing hug.

bruce's visions started to clear up and he let vance's words sink in, staying silent for a few seconds. he looked at the older male in the face and let a tear escape. "i'll try.."

vance smiled but that quickly faded once he studied the boys face. he was unnaturally pale, dark eye bags hung all around his eyes, his hair greasy and unkept. vance's realization hit and he slowly traced his arms around the boy in his loose tshirt. he was thin.

and not the good thin either.

vance's eyes started to water again. "bruce, have you not been taking care of yourself?!"

bruce's eyes went widen and he turned a little pink. he bowed his head in shame. "n-no.... ever since i started feeling bad, i didn't pay too much attention to food or sleep."

the blonde boy went into caretaker mode and picked up bruce like he weighed nothing. but that's because he really didn't. setting him on the counter, he got out a bunch of skincare bruce used to force vance to do with him and started washing bruce's face. using his cleaner, toner, and anything that seemed to be good use. bruce leaned into every touch vance gave him, not realizing how much he misses it.

now having a rejuvenating face mask on, the shorter was picked up and set in the tub. vance had undressed him and began to wash his body, figuring bruce was too tired to do so himself. he washed his hair and dehydrated body. the older had noticed the now dried blood on his nose, but decided not to question it and blamed it on bruce not taking care of his own well being. vance smirked as he watched bruce close his eyes and let out a small smile he had seen in months.

finished washing him up, he took the face mask off of him, leaving his skin glowing along with wet hair to soon turn fluffy. taking him out of the bathroom, he quickly got out some of his big hoodies and boxers he had gifted bruce for their first Christmas. 

laying down, he took bruce into his arms and cuddled him close. "do you wanna talk about it?" "not right now... i just wanna..." bruce trailed off. vance looked down and let out a quiet laugh seeing bruce fast asleep.

whatever bruce was going through, vance made a mental promise to himself to always be there for him. even if he doesn't want the help.

'i will be there for you bruce.'

'-and that's a promise'

/ 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦-𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴/जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें