Chapter 75 : He is the Wrong Valimos

Start from the beginning

"Duchess Smith?" Lord Eli said, raising his brows from her stare.

The Duchess of Light blinks her eyes, breaking out from her trance, as she now looks at Lord Eli instead of Medea.

"He is not Medea, Natalie," she reminds herself.

She clears her throat before proceeding to sit opposite Eli. Lord Eli follows her right after and sits. The Duchess of Light sits with classiness, putting her hand on her thighs, before she speaks, "May I ask what is your purpose coming here, Lord Eli?"

"Let me cut to the chase. On that day, at Eirene Festival, what happened that day? Who killed my sister that way?" the amethyst eyes darken at the thought as Natalie sees him engrossed in his thinking.

The notion causes a little shift in the ruby eyes. Natalie takes a deep breath as she mulls over whether or not to bring up the divinity power. Nonetheless, Eli should be informed of what occurred to Medea that day. So, what should she do at this time?

"Ares blows up Me-- Medea using black powder. She shields everyone from the impact with her body. That's why her-- she ends up that way, in pieces," Natalie stuttered a few times, feeling her wound open up again from a brief explanation.

"Why would he do that to my little sister?" the amethyst gaze adds more burden to Natalie as time passes away.

"You and I are aware of how desperately she wants the throne. She resorted to any means necessary to obtain it, deceiving Ares. He employed assassins to attack her after learning about it at the Eirene Festival.

I am optimistic that Medea could evade and be hurt. Still, since there are others over there, she naturally sacrifices herself for it," Natalie left out the part about the divinity power and decided it would be best for Eli not to know about it for both of them.

"You are not lying, but you are not telling the truth either. I am not a fool, Duchess Natalie. Tell me everything you know."

"It is better if you don't know, Lord Eli. It is for the best," Natalie said in an icy voice, but that didn't stop Eli from pushing her more.

"I lost everyone in my family. First, from my father, then my mother, who I don't know will survive by the end of this year, and out of nowhere, my sister gets blown up by her ex-fiance. Am I really don't have any right to know? Tell me, Natalie!" Lord Eli's body trembled to hold so much rage within him that he lost everything in his life and Medea.

He is devoted to his little sister and always considers her welfare first. And he is entirely in the dark as to what transpired with Medea. But what sort of sibling had he become?

Natalie, on the other hand, still struggling to tie some loose ends, protecting everyone from Ares while still not finishing grieving from losing Medea. If Lord Eli finds out about the divinity power, what would happen to him? She lost Medea due to negligence and couldn't use her brother in this war.

"It hurts, Medz."

Lord Eli stands up and walks toward the blonde. As he begs her to spill the beans, he stoops to his knees. The man, however, places his hands on his thighs and looks down while he sobs.

"Get up, my Lord. Everyone will see this way," Natalie said softly, holding her tears.

"No. I don't care. Please tell me what happened, Natalie," he begs the woman.

"I can't even if I wanted to," she whispers.

Lord Eli looks up, taking Natalie's hands while his cheeks are soaked in tears.

"Why? I need to know why Natalie. You know how important she is in my life," Lord Eli continues to pressure her to let out everything.

The blonde woman retracts her hand, letting out a heavy sigh.

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