Book 1: A Girl in Another World - Chapter 18

Start from the beginning

I chuckled at the man who had always been kind to the Fairchilds. "It is indeed me, Mr. Gray. Now, why don't you inform Lord Bedford that I'm here so he can stop being so anxious."

He nodded. "Yes, of course." He turned on his heel and headed inside while we waited in the foyer. Moments later, he returned, looking flustered. He nodded at me, and as two footmen opened the double door for us, he announced at large, "Lady Quinn Fairchild and her family have arrived."

Taking a big breath, I, along with Elizabeth, Maria, and Liam, moved forward.

The moment we stepped inside, silence descended, and I could feel eyes, rather too intense for my liking, on me. I glanced around, realizing that there were more people present than I thought. I had expected the Bedfords, the knights and priest from the capital, and of course, Lord Norsewood himself, but not the servants, too.

As I strolled along the nave toward the chancel, I felt eyes following my movements. In fact, some had their mouths dropped open.

At the front, I saw the Bedfords staring at me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of delight at the shocked expressions displayed on their faces. Calla's and Iris's eyes were large, and they couldn't stop running their gaze up and down my gown.

Eat that, bitches. This absolutely majestic gown is one of a kind and not from this world.

As for Austin and Charles, I could feel their eyes on my chest which was lovingly hugged by the sweetheart bodice of the gown.

Yes, I have breasts, you idiots, because I'm a girl.

We were midway now, and I shifted my gaze from the Bedfords to the other side, hoping to get a glimpse of my soon-to-be husband. There was an elderly gentleman who was wearing an obvious robe, indicating that he was the court's priest. I shifted farther, and that was when my gaze locked with the piercing blue eyes I hadn't been able to stop thinking about.

Aldric! What the heck was he doing here? And holy smokes, but he was gorgeous, adorned in a formal attire of dark trousers, a white blouse and cravat, and a fancy dark long coat.

As a habit, I tended to wave when I met and made eye contact with people I knew, and I automatically did that to Aldric, along with a bright smile that'd show my pearly white teeth. I heard some sucking of breaths from my audience, but of course, I paid them no heed. Aldric was here, and that was enough of a reason to make me deliriously happy.

He must be one of the knights from the capital. I suspected he was escorting the priest, and once this wedding was done, he'd return home to St. George and to his wife and child.

Ugh! I couldn't believe the man I had a crush on was here to witness me getting married to another. How depressing.

I shifted my gaze to the men next to him, noting that they were Vincent and Mr. Wakefield. Vincent had a smirk on his face while Mr. Wakefield couldn't seem to stop smiling. As for Aldric? His face was as impassive as ever. Indeed, it was hard to read a stoic person.

I lifted my skirt and paced toward Aldric, ignoring the Bedfords, the priest, and whoever my soon-to-be husband was. I stopped inches from him, and gazing up at him, I said, "Hello, sir. Fancy seeing you here."

Aldric regarded me from his great height. Though his face was a hard mask and impossible to read, I noted a hint of twinkling in his beautiful eyes. Behind him, Vincent said, "Indeed, pipsqueak. Fancy seeing you here, too. My, but don't you look exquisite."

I turned my attention to him and glared. "That's Lady Quinn to you, sir, and not pipsqueak."

Behind me, Maria asked meekly, "Do you know them, Quinn?"

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