Book 1: A Girl in Another World - Chapter 15

Start from the beginning

"Aren't you efficient?" I teased.

"Aren't I?" she replied, chuckling.

I took a seat and noticed the filled rolls and slices of chocolate cake I had made earlier. I asked, "Mother and Liam not home for lunch?"

Maria shook her head. "Perhaps they are having theirs up at the manor?"

"Do you think so?" I asked. "When they're not even working there anymore. They'd be starving by now."

Maria fiddled with her thumbs and said, "I supposed I should, uh, take those to them?"

I understood she despised going up to the manor and even vowed to never step foot there again unless she had to, but Elizabeth and Liam might be busy and couldn't come home.

I stood and said, "I'll go."

"No wait," she said quickly. "I don't want you to waste your time. You mentioned you need to practice your magic, so I'll do that."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She nodded furiously. "I'll just have to... avoid certain people."

"Then I'll pack them for you," I said.

A few moments later, Maria left, carrying a basket packed with filled rolls and slices of chocolate cake.

Alone, I started practicing with my magic barrier, the glowing blue fading to clear as I pumped in more mana, and I widened my eyes with a pleasant surprise. I did not expect that. So increasing mana could change the shade and strength of the barrier. Didn't that just mean I'd have to increase my personal mana storage to stabilize the barrier? Though I hadn't a clue how I could do that yet, increasing my mana storage. I knew there must be ways, and I'd have to do more research regarding that.

I managed to hold on to the barrier for around two hours when Maria returned, very red in the face and fluttering about like a bird.

She shut the door and went to sit on the chair near the fireplace, looking very dazed. Concerned, I asked, "Is... everything all right? You didn't meet either Austin or Charles, did you?"

God, I hoped she didn't. But if she did, I hoped they hadn't gone and bullied her again. If so, I'd have to march up there and beat the crap out of them with my magic, and to hell if my blessing was revealed.

She shook her head and then turned her gaze to me. "Quinn, are all knights of the kingdom that nosy and... and... Oh, he makes me so... Who does he think he is, calling me a suspicious lassie? It's not like I want to step foot in that goddamn manor."

"Calm down," I said, chuckling. "And why would you ask me that? You know I know nothing about knights of the kingdom."

She pouted. "You're right, and I'm sorry," she said. "But he really is very nosy, that man."

I asked, "Right. So did you manage to get lunch to Mother and Liam?"

She nodded. "Oh, yes, and indeed you are right. They were starving. They were rather busy. Liam is making very good progress with driving the carriage and maneuvering the horses and Aunty Beth was helping Mrs. Ross in teaching the new head maid her duties."

"I see," I said.

Despite the lords and ladies of the manor mistreating her, Elizabeth was still kind enough to make sure the new maid taking her position understood her duties. What a dedicated woman. If it were me, I'd brush the dust off my boots and be gone and let them deal with the mess.

While I continued training with my magic, Maria practiced learning the English language, or rather divine language as she called it, I had taught her. Not just her in fact, but Elizabeth and Liam as well every night after dinner. I thought it'd be useful for them, and me, in the future.

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