Book 1: A Girl in Another World - Chapter 11

Start from the beginning

Materializing within the magic circle was a loaf of soft white bread, eggs, and butter on the cutting board, milk in the jug, and salt and honey maple syrup in the bowls. Done, Elizabeth, Liam, and Maria stared in amazement at the ingredients I had conjured.

"What is that?" Maria asked.

"Why, it's bread, Maria," I said.

"But it's so white," she said as she gently pressed on it. "And so soft, nothing like our bread. Even the Bedfords don't eat bread that's this white or this soft."

I chuckled. "Bread is usually soft where I came from." I grabbed the wooden bowl and started pouring in the milk and then adding the eggs. After sprinkling in a little salt, I whisked it with a fork. I grabbed the iron frying pan and laid it over the fire. While I waited for that to be hot, I carefully sliced the bread, ensuring that each was thick enough. Then I dipped six slices into the milk and egg mixture. I returned my attention to the pan. Noting that it was hot enough, I ladled a bit of butter in, and after, I placed the soaked bread in.

Instantly, a delicious aroma filled the cottage, and Maria looked like she was ready to snatch the French toast from the pan even before it was done.

"It smells so good," she said.

"You can't eat until it's all done," I said as I flipped the bread over. "Mother, can you grab me the trencher." Elizabeth didn't reply as her attention was fixed on the French toast. She just handed me the wooden trencher we usually used as a plate.

I grabbed it and then slid the French toast onto it. I ladled more butter onto the hot pan and then placed another slice of soaked bread in. Fifteen minutes later, it was all done, and as Elizabeth took the trencher piled with slices of French toast toward the table, I summoned my storage magic circle and retrieved a box of berries I had picked yesterday afternoon in the woods. Grabbing the bowl of honey maple syrup, I headed toward the table, too.

Liam and Maria were already sitting and waiting eagerly to dig in. I placed the berries and maple syrup on the table, and as I was pulling out a chair, Maria said, "That's those fruits in the woods."

"Berries, you mean?" I said.

"Are we going to eat those?" Liam asked. "They'll give you a stomachache."

Maria nodded.

I widened my eyes. "Really? But I had them yesterday, and I'm fine. I've already checked with my appraisal skill; it's safe to eat."

Elizabeth tilted her head to one side. "It's been passed down that they're inedible."

Ah, so that explained why no one had ever touched them. What also got me curious was that these berries grew during autumn. Weren't they summer fruits back on Earth?

I asked, "Do these berries only grow during autumn?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "They grow and ripen all seasons except for winter."

Wow! What convenience, and yet, no one ate them. It was indeed a waste.

I sprinkled the berries on the French toast and then poured honey maple syrup on top. I said, "You don't have to eat the berries with the French toast, but I guarantee you they're delicious."

"French toast," Maria said. "So that's the name of the dish."

"Let's eat," I said and picked up my knife and fork. I started cutting the French toast into smaller chunks, and Maria quickly took a piece with her fork and then popped it into her mouth.

The moment the piece hit her tongue, she widened her eyes and her whole body literally shivered. She chewed and then groaned. "I've never eaten anything so soft and sweet and this delicious before." She quickly had more, this time with a raspberry. She sang out this time, and I swore she looked like she had an orgasm.

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