Chapter 7: The Need for Sleep

Start from the beginning

Jennie smiled "Did you sleep well baby?"

Lisa nodded, "Yeah I did. So I'm going to have to sleep in your arms for the next few nights."

"You bet'cha" Jennie positively beamed.

Lisa stretched. "You're enjoying this way too much Ruby Jane. I swear I don't even remember falling asleep. I slept like a rock."

Jennie glanced at the clock. "You slept for almost 4 hours. Once your body was in contact with mine, you were able to sleep. You're body will be wanting for my touch for 2 or 3 more days."

"Thank you." Lisa said tenderly as she kissed Jennie under the jaw.

"Hey, let's go out and do something, it's Saturday night. Maybe we can go to the campus and find a party. I just want to have some fun."

Lisa's face registered surprise. "Saint Ruby Jane wants to party?"

Jennie thought for a moment. "Can you really be considered a saint after you've torn out a man's throat?"

"You were protecting your mate, so yes you can." Lisa said as she got out of bed. Looking at the clock, Lisa saw it was almost 7 in the evening. "Hey let's get dress, get something to eat and find a party."

The pair quickly dressed, fixed their makeup and headed out in Lisa's car.

"I know a great little greasy spoon diner near campus. They have the best coffee and apple pie. Werewolves do eat apple pie, do they?"

Jennie laughed. "Yeah."

The diner was a 50's art deco style diner just off campus. The parking lot was full of cars, so they parked about a half block away and walked to the diner. The diner was packed with hungry students, but after waiting for a few minutes, they were seated.

"I take it you slept too." Lisa said as she looked through her menu. "You didn't look that tired."

"I wasn't really, but it was so nice and relaxing to have you in my arms that I just drifted off."

"I liked being in your arms, not just because it allowed me to sleep, it just felt right. Like I belonged there." Lisa said, as she reached across the table to hold Jennie's hand.

A gummy smile was Jennie's only reply.

The waitress took their order and brought some coffee to the girls a moment later. Jennie and Lisa chatted and discussed where on campus they were going to look for a party. Suddenly, Lisa looked up to see a uniformed Police officer enter the diner. He looked to be a rookie cop and had brown hair. He looked nervous and inexperienced. Lisa faced the cop and Jennie had her back to the cop. They were sitting about 20 feet from where the cop was standing.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen." He said after clearing his throat. "Is there an owner of a Black 2008 Toyota corolla, license plate 64J-2E6 present in the diner. It was struck by a hit and run driver. I thought maybe the driver was here."

Lisa suddenly panicked as that was her car, but just as she was going to raise her hand, Jennie's eyes opened wide. In an instant, her hand shot out and tightly grabbed Lisa's wrist.

A look of fear suddenly gripped Jennie's face. "Don't raise your hand, don't look at the cop and don't say a thing." Jennie said in a hushed tones as she looked down at the table.

Lisa had no idea what was going on. She noticed a few confused looks by other patrons of the diner, but everyone else just kept eating. Lisa found the look of fear in Jennie's eyes very unsettling. Why would she be afraid of a cop that she had her back to? Lisa asked herself. She also knew that Jennie's dad was a cop. It was all very confusing to Lisa.

"What's the deal Kim? It's just a cop."

"SHUT UP!" Jennie hissed quietly as she gripped Lisa's wrist even harder.

Lisa knew that Jennie was being deadly serious and decided to take her lead. She looked down and avoided the cops gaze.

The cop waited for another moment for someone to speak up. "Well thank you for your attention and have a good evening." He said with a tip of his hat as he exited the diner.

As the door closed, Jennie exhaled and released Lisa's wrist. Lisa quickly rubbed it as it hurts from Jennie's tight grip.

Lisa gave Jennie a confused look. "What the fuck Kim, my car's been hit. Why the urgency? You looked terrified for a moment. You wanted by the cops or something?"

Jennie rubbed her face briefly with her hand and took a deep breath.

"That wasn't a cop"

Lisa looked to the door that he had exited only a few seconds ago. "What in the hell was he?"

With a deadly serious look on her face, Jennie said. "That was a Vampire."

To be continued on Chapter 8...

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