Seeing it on screen compare to witnessing the real thing face-to-face is two different things.

The Ultra Wormhole glow brightly in the dark cave of Crying Land in fact a bit too bright making it hard to see without stinging his eyes.

A small purple thing attempt to get out of it making team Vex anxious as it finally gotten out they became amazed.

A small purple Ultra Beast is what they saw in front of their eyes. The Ultra Beast open its cyan glowing eyes and mouth start cackles wildly in delight, its even spinging around on its head.

Mankey speechless goes up to it catching it attention on to their team, the Ultra Beast floats over fast making team Vex tense .

"Hi, I'm Poipole !"

"Aw... Screw me. I guess I overreacted a bit" muttered Tilda coughing out an apology at the end." Sorry.."

"It's okaaaay " Karter snorted cheerfully.

The Poipole was actually pretty friendly John losen up his tense muscle a bit then he saw the Ultra Guardians tag around it neck.

It's can't be the Poipole in the anime right. The Ultra Guardians tag is pretty easy in design so this is only a coincident right?

"Hey Poipole can you tell us why your here?"

Humming Poipole smiled remembering why "I followed the pretty light here !"

"But it gone now... so sad. Oh pretty!" Poipole sadly said flying around until spotting the glowing water.

Squealing in cheer Poipole look at it.

Koffing whisper to the other two with bemusement "Bruh this is an Ultra Beast ? Seem more like a kid to me ah"

"With its other worldly looks the being over there sure does seem to be an Ultra Beast bro" Tilda only mutter.

Tilda yelled out to Poipole in a challenge.

"Hey Poipole we challenge you to a duel! If we win you will have to return back to Ultra Space"

" Hm okay!" Cheered Poipole as it cackles

Quickly using Seismic Toss on the Poipole but it doged the attack to then spraying paint-like ooze on the Mankey, its laughs wildly at that.

Infuriated by the paint, Tilda used Assurance on the still laughing Ultra Beast.

Karter and john was by the sideline watching the battle of the two causing the Mankey to be in disbelief, she yelled to them both

" Don't just watch, get your asses in here. I didn't agree to fight an Ultra Beast alone!"

John was having a mini meltdown at that moment but snap out of it when he heard Tilda yelling.

With that being said Karter looked at John then at the fight.

"You're not joining the fight? " John ask

"Is it bad if I say yes ah?" Only reviving a deadpannd look by John.

"Nope, let's not waist any more time" John commented getting closer to the fight and used Extreme Speed on Poipole.

To then be hit 3 times by Fury Attack sending him flying back.

Sending Twister at the purple Ultra Beast he used Agility to doge a spray of paint-like ooze even though he know it harmless ,he don't want paint on himself.

Tilda use Cross chop wich didn't do much to Poipole as its counter attack with Toxic .

She was about to use another move but staggered when Karter float over and used Self-Destruct.

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