This is so random idk what to name it

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Austin: who's your favourite character?
Todd: myself.
Jonathan: I'd say dr eggman
Henry: what? Because you look like him?
Jonathan: listen here you little shit-
Mike: I like all might
Henry: let me tell you
Henry: you look nothing like him.
Mike: who's your favourite? Batman?
Henry: You must be the joker you clown
Austin: stop insulting people and answer the fucking question you donkey
Henry: ok Shrek
Henry: I don't have one
Todd: no favourite character?
Todd: just like your mum.
Henry: just like your father figure.
Mike: I hate my life
Austin: don't worry, you have Jonathan. The gay emo brother.
Jonathan: says you. Fruity as fuck.
Austin: I've never eaten a fruit in my entire life.
Austin: don't associate that thing with me.
Jonathan: fucking kill me
Henry: you called?

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