Chapter 11

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Gulf's pov

I woke up late in the morning and currently having my breakfast. I was just busy munching my food when I choked looking at my phone. I was busy surfing on social media when I slide into a news feed. I instantly grabbed a glass of water and drink from it as I clicked the play button.

"Just in! Luke International's three-storey building was caught on fire. Firefighters are currently extinguishing the blaze using hose reels to reach every corner of the entire building. It was said that there's employees already gone to work early this morning. It was reported that five of them are still missing. Stay tuned for further updates. This has been Gavin, of NNC."

"Luke International's filed for bankruptcy, after the incident that happened..."


I was staggered by the news. Just how come? Karma is really a bitch. Gosh, I was like literally just there yesterday. What if they blame it on me and accuse me of having revenge because of how they treated me yesterday? They won't right? But I do hope no one died though.

I finished my breakfast and decided to continue my job seeking. I emailed everything I found online that suits me, though I haven't received any acknowledgement. I decided to go to the second job I found and chose online before to personally hand in my application letter and resume. It was a three rides away from the city and imagining all those travels sounds exhausting.

It took me four hours to arrive the place. It's already 1:45. Upon arrival, I saw an old woman waiting for me by the gate. Her name is Sister Lora. I wai'ed at her and she motioned me to enter the place. I was in awe on how big this orphanage is. It was three times bigger than the orphanage I came from. Remembering it again makes me sad but this place is close to home and I like the feeling. I like it here.

When we entered, I saw children busy laughing and playing around at the playground. They all stopped and gathered in front of me when they realized my presence.

"Later kids." The old woman said and we proceed to what she said their office. She asked me to sit down for a while and she went out to call the head of the orphanage. Yes, it is an orphanage and I applied as an assistant chef here.

Not so long and a guy in his 60s I guessed, entered the office and offered a handshake. She was with a lady in her 25 or above I guess.

"I am Brother Adam and this is Sister Nikki.. I am the head administrator of this orphanage. We have so many orphanage around Thailand and no I am not the founder. Though I and the women you were with earlier, Sister Lora, are both pioneers here." He said and I just nodded.

We talked a lot about my previous careers and life. I was beading sweats when I confessed about my pregnancy, I thought he will be angry and won't accept me of working here but he was just concerned if I can really make it.

"I promise sir. I am used to work and move around. My body needs exercise as well."

"Alright, if that's the case then come, I'll introduce you to the head chef here."

We walked to their pantry area and we heard someone shouting.

"Mathew!!! You brat! You took a fried chicken again. You naughty kid!"

Brother Adam and Sister Nikki looked at me, feeling embarrassed at the guy shouting.

Is shouting a thing here?

"MILDRED!" I flinched when Sister Nikki shouted too. The guy came to us. His face was so calm like he didn't just shout earlier.

"What are you doing, shouting like that?" Brother Adam asked shaking his head looking at the guy who just smiled at us. He is looking at me.

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